PSI - Issue 44

Marco Gaetani d’Aragona et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 1760–1767 Marco Gaetani d’Aragona et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000



Acknowledgements This study was performed in the framework of PE 2022–2024 joint program DPC-Reluis–subprojects WP2: Inventory of structural type and existing buildings (CARTIS) and WP4: Risk maps and seismic damage scenarios (MARS-2). References ATC 58, 2012. Seismic performance assessment of buildings: volume 1 (methodology). California: Redwood City. Daniell J.E., Khazai B., Wenzel F., Vervaeck A., 2012. The worldwide economic impact of historic earthquakes. In: Proceedings of the 15 world conference on earthquake engineering, Lisboa. Del Gaudio C., De Risi M.T., Ricci P., Verderame G.M., 2019. Empirical drift-fragility functions and loss estimation for infills in reinforced concrete frames under seismic loading. Bull Earthq Eng;17(3):1285–330. Del Vecchio C., Di Ludovico M., Prota A., 2020. Repair costs of reinforced concrete building components: from actual data analysis to calibrated consequence functions. Earthq Spectra; 36(1):353–77. 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