PSI - Issue 43
Available online at Available online at ScienceDirect Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000 Available online at ScienceDirect Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 240–245
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under the responsibility of MSMF10 organizers. © 20 23 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under the responsibility of MSMF10 organizers. This study provide a brief verview about the effect of ocal microstructural prop rti s, and intrinsic defect distribution, on associat fatigue strength for alloy EN AC 42100 and lloy 46200. Results fr m extensiv ractographic investigations and computed tomography revealed microporosity as the pr mary failure mechani m for high-cycle-fatigue design, but dependent on the load level an casting process condition ther crack initiating imperf ctions such as oxide films, slip pla es a inclu i ns get more prono nced. A statistical assessment of fatigue strength considered the local manufacturing conditions and the associated varying failure mechanisms. © 20 23 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under the responsibility of MSMF10 organizers. Abstract Mobility applications often demand shape-optimized designs. Casting of AlSi-alloys is an efficient bulk production technology featuring parts with strongly varying wall thickness. The local cooling rate is process controlled, implying severe changes in mechanical properties such as degree of porosity and secondary dendrite arm spacing. This study provides a brief overview about the effect of local microstructural properties, and intrinsic defect distribution, on associated fatigue strength for alloy EN AC 42100 and alloy 46200. Results from extensive fractographic investigations and computed tomography revealed microporosity as the primary failure mechanism for high-cycle-fatigue design, but dependent on the load level and casting process condition other crack initiating imperfections such as oxide films, slip planes and inclusions get more pronounced. A statistical assessment of fatigue strength considered the local manufacturing conditions and the associated varying failure mechanisms. Abstract Mobil ty applicat ons often demand shape-optimized designs. Casting of AlS -alloys i an effici nt bulk production tech ology featuri g parts wi h trongly varying wall th ckness. The local cool ng ate is process controlled, implying severe changes in mechanical perties such as d gree of p rosity and sec ndary dend ite arm spacing. Keywords: AlSi-casting, extreme value statistics, computed tomography, local fatigue assessment, fatigue failure, porosity Keywords: AlSi-casting, extreme value statistics, computed tomography, local fatigue assessment, fatigue failure, porosity 10th International Conference on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture Effect of local microstructure on fatigue and related failure mechanisms in AlSi-castings Matthias Oberreiterr a, *, Michael Stoschka a , Michael Horvath a , Stefan Fladischer b a Christian Doppler Laboratory for Manufacturing Process based C omponent Design, Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Franz-Josef- Straße 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria b Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Franz -Josef- Straße 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria 10th International Conference on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture Effect of local microstructure on fatigue and related failure mechanisms in AlSi-castings Matthias Oberreiterr a, *, Michael Stoschka a , Michael Horvath a , Stefan Fladischer b a Christian Doppler Laboratory for Manufactu Process based C omponent Design, Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Mechanical E ginee ing, Franz-Josef- Straß 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria b Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Franz -Josef- Straße 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-3842-402-1474; E-mail address: * Correspon ing author. Tel.: +43-3842-402-1474; E-mail address:
2452-3216 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under the responsibility of MSMF10 organizers. 2452-3216 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an ope access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under the responsibility of MSMF10 organizers.
2452-3216 © 2023 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under the responsibility of MSMF10 organizers. 10.1016/j.prostr.2022.12.265
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