PSI - Issue 43
Jelena M. Djoković et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 95– 100 Author name / StructuralIntegrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
4. Conclusions The problem of a crack attacking the interface between the two elastic isotropic materials was considered in this paper. The criterion to estimate the crack propagation direction is the ratio of the energy release rates for the case of the crack penetrating the interface and for the case of deflecting into it. The crack propagation direction is chosen in the direction of the highest energy release rate. Based on obtained results, one can see that the crack closing on the interface at a right angle, from the softer of the two materials, will not penetrate the interface; it would bounce back into that material and continue to propagate along a path that is close to the interface. The similar behavior is of a crack that attacks the interface at an angle of 75°, though it might even deflect into the weak interface, while with the further decrease of the incoming angle (60° and smaller), the crack would penetrate the interface and continue to propagate in the tougher material across it. For the case of the crack attacking the interface from the tougher of the two materials, it is shown that it would much easily penetrate the interface and continue to propagate in the softer of the two materials. The conclusions of this research can be used in "designing" the interface in the composite materials, by selecting the bimaterial combination, as well as the reinforcing component direction in the substrate, which would prevent the crack crossing the interface. Acknowledgement This research was partially fin ancially supported through the project “Innovative Solutions for Propulsion, Power and Safety Components of Transport Vehicles” ITMS 313011V334 of the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, within the funding of the scientific research work at the University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, according to the contract with registration number 451-03 68/2022-14/200131. References Banks-Sills, L., 2018. Interface fracture and delaminations in composite materials, Springer briefs in Structural mechanics, Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60327-8. Comninou, M., 1977. The interface crack, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 44, 631-636. Comninou, M., Dundurs, J., 1980. Effect of friction on the interface crack loaded in shear, Journal of Elasticity, 10, 203-212. Comninou, M., 1990. An overview of interface cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 37(10), 197-208. Djokovic, J. M., 2009. Some aspects of the crack approaching interface, Materials Engineering, 16(3a), 41-45. Dundurs, J., 1969. Elastic Interaction of Dislocations with Inhomogeneities, In: Mathematical Theory of Dislocations, Mura, T. (Ed.). ASME, New York, 77-114. England, H., 1965. A Crack Between Dissimilar Media, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 32, 400-402. Erdogan, F., 1965. Stress distribution in bonded dissimilar material with cracks, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 32, 403-410. He M.-Y., Hutchinson, J. W., 1989. Crack deflection at an interface between dissimilar elastic materials, International Journal of Solids Structures, 25, 1053-1065. Hutchinson, J. W., Mear, M. E., Rice, J. R., 1987. Crack Paralleling an Interface Between Dissimilar Materials, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 54, 828-832. Hutchinson, J. W., Suo, Z., 1992. Mixed mode cracking in layered materials, Advances in Applied Mechanics, 29, 63-191. Malyshev, B. M., Salganik, R. L., 1965. The Strength of Adhesive Joints Using the Theory of Fracture, International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, 1, 114-128. Nikolic, R., Veljkovic, J., 2004. Some problems of cracks on bimaterial interface, In: From fracture mechanics to structural integrity assessment, Sedmak, S., Radakovic, Z., (Eds.). Society for Structural Integrity and Life and Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, 61-82. Rice, J. R., 1988. Elastic fracture mechanics concepts for interfacial cracks, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 55, 98-103. Rice, J. R., Sih, G. C., 1965. Plane Problems of Cracks in Dissimilar Media, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 32, 418-423. Rice, J. R., Suo, Z., Wang, J.-S., 1990. Mechanics and Thermodynamics of brittle interfacial failure in bimaterial systems, In: Metal-Ceramic Interfaces, M. Riihle, Evans, A. G., Ashby, M. F., Hirth, J. P. (Eds.). Acta-Scripta Metallurgica Proceedings Series, Vol. 4, Pergamon Press, 269-294. Suo, Z., Hutchinson, J. W., 1990. Interface crack between two elastic layers, International Journal of Fracture, 43, 1-18. Williams, M. L., 1959. The stresses around a fault or crack in dissimilar media, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 49(2), 199-204. Zak, A.R., Williams, M. L., 1963. Crack point singularities at a Bi-material interface, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 30, 142-143.
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