PSI - Issue 43

Kamila Kozáková et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 178–183 Kamila Koza´kova´ / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000–000



(a) r = 0 . 1 mm, SEM MAG: 1.16 kx

(b) r = 0 . 2 mm, SEM MAG: 1.17 kx

(c) r = 0 . 8 mm, SEM MAG: 667 x

(d) r = 0 . 8 mm, SEM MAG: 1.17 kx

(e) r = 3 . 0 mm, SEM MAG: 40x

(f) r = 3 . 0 mm, SEM MAG: 1.17 kx

Fig. 8. Surfaces of notches with radii r


The research was supported by the Czech Science Foundation, project No. 21-14886S. References

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