PSI - Issue 43
Michal Krbaťa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 270 – 275 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
noted that the measurement uncertainty tends to increase with decreasing cooling rate, as the microstructure changes from single-phase martensitic to multi-phase with more pronounced heterogeneity. 4. Conclusion From the overall point of view, we can state that the compilation of the CCT diagram of the selected tool steel and its comparison with the calculated CCT diagrams with the JMatPro software was very accurate. This experiment indicates slight deviations of the CCT diagram. However, these are largely caused by the chemical composition of the experimental steel. Because it is very difficult to always achieve exactly the same chemical composition in production. Therefore, according to standards, steels always have a specified range of main alloying elements. And these small variations in their composition cause inaccuracy or rather changing conditions in the physical measurements of the expansion behavior of steel. Last but not least, possible different measurement parameters should be noted due to possible different settings of measuring instruments or the accuracy of production of experimental samples. The results of the study can be used both for the teaching process and the professional public from industry and for the general public as a springboard in the heat treatment of the tool steel and the determination of our optimal measurement parameters. Acknowledgements This work was also supported by the Research Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic under the contract (ITMS2014+) no. 313011W442-CEDITEK II. References Kupalova, I. K., 1991. Heat treatment of tools made of high-speed steel using high-temperature tempering, Met Sci Heat Treat, 33, 721-724. Liu, Y., Zhu, J., Cao, Y., 2017. Modeling effects of alloying elements and heat treatment parameters on mechanical properties of hot die steel with back-propagation artificial neural network, J. Iron Steel Res., 24, 1254-1260. Anijdan, S. H., Yue, S., 2012. The Effect of Cooling Rate, and Cool Deformation Through Strain-Induced Transformation, on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Microalloyed Steels, Metall Mater Trans A, 43, 1140-1162. Leach, L., Kolmskog, P., Hoglund, L., Hillert, M. Borgenstam, A., 2019. Use of Fe-C Information as Reference for Alloying Effects on BS, Metall Mater Trans A, 50, 4531-4540. Kawulok, R., Schindler, I., Sojka, J., Kawulok, P., Opela, P., Pindor, L., Grycz, E., Rusz, S., Ševčák, V. , 2020. Effect of Strain on Transformation Diagrams of 100Cr6 Steel, Crystals, 10, 326-344. Huber, F., Bischof, C., Hentschel, O., Heberle, J., Zettl, J., Nagulin, K. Y., Schmidt, M., 2019. Laser beam melting and heat-treatment of 1.2343 (AISI H11) tool steel–microstructure and mechanical properties. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 742, 109-115. Dlouhý, J., Kövér, M., 2015. Accelerated carbide spheroidisation of 1.2343 tool steel by induction heating, Mater. Sci. Eng., 103, 012025. Jandová, D., Šuchmann, P., Nižňanská, J. , 2015. Microstructure of tool steel X37C rMoV5 after cryogenic treatment and its effect on wear resistance , Key Eng. Mater., 647, 23-37. Black, B., Burger, G., Logan, R., Perrin, R., Gundlach, R., 2002. Microstructure and dimensional stability in Si-Mo ductile irons for elevated temperature applications, SAE Transactions, 976-991. Michaud, P., Delagnes, D., Lamesle, P., Mathon, M. H., Levaillant, C., 2007. The effect of the addition of alloying elements on carbide precipitation and mechanical properties in 5% chromium martensitic steels, ACTAmaterialia, 55, 4877-4889. Fernández Guillermet, A. , 1991. Predictive approach to thermodynamic properties of the metastable Cr3C carbide., Int. J. Thermophys., 12, 919 936. Pastor, A., Valles, P., Amurrio, I., Medina, S. F. , 2015. Heat treatment conditions to prevent failure in die cast X38CrMoV5 steel parts , Eng. Fail. Anal., 56, 520-529. Wang, M., Li, W., Wu, Y., Li, S., Cai, C., Wen, S., Wei, Q., Shi, Y., Ye, F., Chen, Z., 2019. High-temperature properties and microstructural stability of the AISI H13 hot-work tool steel processed by selective laser melting, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 50, 531-542. Liu, S., Zhou, Y., Xing, X., Wang, J., Ren, X., Yang, Q., 2016. Growth characteristics of primary M7C3 carbide in hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy, Sci. Rep., 6, 1-8. Allain, S. Y., Roth, A., Bouaziz, O., D’eramo, E., 2019. Microstructure-based behavior law for globular pearlitic steels, J. Mater. Res. Technol., 8, 3373-3376. Nutal, N., Gommes, C. J., Blacher, S., Pouteau, P., Pirard, J. P., Boschini, F., Traina, K., Cloots, R., 2010. Image analysis of pearlite spheroidization based on the morphological characterization of cementite particles, Image Anal. Stereol., 29, 91-98. Martin, H., Amoako Yirenkyi, P., Pohjonen, A., 2021. Statistical Modeling for Prediction of CCT Diagrams of Steels Involving Interaction of Alloying Elements, Metall Mater Trans B, 223 – 235.
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