PSI - Issue 43

Tatyana Petrova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 83–88 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000

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As it is seen, the Case 2 solution is closer to the shear-lag results, than Case 1. This is due to the type of solution; Case 2 solution is expressed in hyperbolic sines and cosines, very similar to the shear lag model solution. Nevertheless, the comparison shows good coincidence and confirm the validity of obtained both solutions for prediction and modeling of stresses in similar nanostructures at considered conditions. 4. Conclusions In this study, two-dimensional stress-function method was applied for modelling of stresses in three-layer WS 2 /SU 8/PMMA nanocomposite subjected to a static extension load. Using two different geometries of the nanostructure with different thicknesses of the PMMA layer, for the first time, the axial, shear and normal stresses in all layers of the considered nanocomposite were modelled and investigated. The model results for the axial stress in WS 2 were compared with ones obtained with the shear – lag method of Wang (2017). It was shown a good agreement in the elastic region of the applied tension load. These results could help the researchers in future investigation of predicting, designing and controlling of stress transfer in nanocomposite devices and structures in industry. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the Bulgarian National Science Fund for its financial support via the contract for project КП -06- Н57/3/15.11.2021. References Deng, S., Sumant, A. V., Berry, V., 2018. Strain Engineering in Two-dimensional Nanomaterials beyond Graphene (Review). Nano Today 22, 14 – 35. Falin, A., Holwill, M., Lv, H., Gan, W., Cheng, J., Zhang, R., Qian, D., Barnett, M. R., Santos, E. J. G., Novoselov, K. S., Tao, T., Wu, X., Li, L. H., 2021. Mechanical Properties of Atomically Thin Tungsten Dichalcogenides: WS2, WSe2 and WTe2, ACS Nano 15 (2), 2600-2610. Kirilova, E., Petrova, T., Becker W., Ivanova J., 2019. Mathematical Modelling of Stresses in Graphene Polymer Nanocomposites under Static Extension Load, 2019 IEEE 14th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1-4. Li, L., Zeng, Zhao-Yi, Liang, T., Tang, M., Cheng, Y., 2017. Elastic Properties and Electronic Structure of WS2 under Pressure from First principles Calculations. Zeitsch rift für Naturforschung A 72 (4), 295-301. Liu, K., Yan, Q. M., Chen, M., Fan, W., Sun, Y. H., Suh, J., Fu, D. Y., Lee, S., Zhou, J., Tongay, S., Ji, J., Neaton, J. B., Wu, J. Q., 2014. Elastic Properties of Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Monolayer MoS2, WS2, and Their Bilayer Heterostructures. Nano Lett. 14, 5097-5103. Petrova, T., Kirilova, E., Becker, W., Ivanova, J., 2022. Two-dimensional Stress and Strain Analysis for Graphene-polymer Nanocomposite under Axial Load. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 8(3), 1065-1075. Tang, H., Hu, D., Cui, Z., Ye, H., Zhang, G., 2021. Effects of Defect and Temperature on the Mechanical Performance of WS2: A Multiscale Analysis. J. Phys. Chem. C 125(4), 2680-2690. Wang, F., Li, S., Bissett, M. A., Kinloch, I. A., Li, Z., Young, R. J., 2020. Strain Engineering in Monolayer WS2 and WS2 Nanocomposites. 2D Materials 7(4), 045022. Wang, F., Raman and Photoluminescence Spectroscopic Studies of the Micromechanics of WS2 Nanocomposites, PhD thesis, The University of Manchester, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of materials, 2017, UK. Zhang, Q., Chang, Z., Xu, G., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z.-Q., Chen, S., Bao, Q., Liu, J. Z., Mai, Y.-W., Duan, W., Fuhrer, M. S., Zheng, C., 2016. Strain Relaxation of Monolayer WS2 on Plastic Substrate. Adv. Str. Mater. 26 (47), 8707-8714.

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