PSI - Issue 41

A.M. Ignatova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 41 (2022) 589–597 597 Ignatova A.M., Yudin M.V., Voronov V.L, Ignatov M.N., Gladky I.L., Inozemtsev A.A., Naimark O.B./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 9 � � � � ∙ �� � , (5) where the first coefficient k 1 can be expressed via the kinetic energy of a fragment ( E k ) at the initial moment of time multiplied by a scale factor ( M ), which, according to the experimental data, is equal to 20 for a frontal impact and 2 for an impact at an angle of 30 o , while the second coefficient k 2 can be expressed via the collision angle and, according to the obtained curves, is equal to 0.3 for an impact at an angle of 90 o and 0.4 for an impact at an angle of 30 o . The equations of the function can be captured as: � � �� � ∙ �� � . (6) The established values of the coefficients are reliable for the material considered in the experiment and cannot be extended to other materials without prior analysis. Conclusions. Thus, the velocities of individual fracture fragments following an impact against a hard-melting non metallic silicate material exemplified by potassium fluorphlogopite have been experimentally established. The coefficients for calculation of change in the velocity of potassium fluorphlogopite fracture fragments in time have been proposed. Jacques Lamon. Brittle Fracture and Damage of Brittle Materials and Composites: Statistical - Probabilistic Approaches. ISTE Press, Ltd; Elsevier Ltd, 2016, Jacques Lamon, 008101161X, 9780081011614. ⟨ hal-02146213 ⟩ Barenblatt G.I. Concerning certain general representations of the mathematical theory of brittle destruction // PMM. - 1964. - No. 4. - pp. 630-643. Stefanov Yu.P. Certain features of numerical modeling of the behavior of elastically brittle plastic materials // Physical Mesomechanics. – 2005. – V. 8, No. 3. – P. 129–142. Goncharov P.S., Zhitnyi M.V., Sinelnikov E.G., Babin A.M. Method for determining the parameters of the after-penetration fragmentation field formed as a result of high-speed impact // Proceedings of Tula State University. Technical Sciences. 2017. No.11-3. URL: vysokoskorostnogo-soudareniya (date of address: 23.09.2021). Kiselev A.B., Yarunichev V.A. Concerning the study of fragmentation of space debris particles at high-speed impact // MSU Vestnik, Ser. 1. Mathem. and Mech., 2009, No. 2, 26-35 Davydova М.М., Uvarov S.V., Naimark О.B. Scaling invariance in dynamic fragmentation of quarts // Phys. mezomech. - 2013. No.4. – pp. 129-136. Ignatova A.M., Yudin M.V., Ignatov M.N., Sokovikov M.A., Chudinov V.V. Microfragmentation of Cast Mica-crystalline Material Under Dynamic Compression // ChemChemTech, 2021, 64(2), pages 56–61. Ignatova A.M., Yudin M.V., Voronov V.L., Naymark O.B. Fragmentation behavior of mica-crystalline material under high velocity impact in constrained and non-constrained conditions // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2021, 32(2), pages 79–86. The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 21-79-30041) References

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