PSI - Issue 41

Jesús Toribio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 41 (2022) 712–717 Jesús Toribio / Procedia Structural Integrity 00 (2022) 000–000



Epilogue: Following the wake of Antonio Machado The fundamental idea of crack path recalls the famous words by the major Spanish poet Antonio Machado: “se hace camino al andar”, as there is no previous path, but the path is made as the crack grows. The verses by Antonio Machado (in Spanish) are as follows: Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar …..... Caminante, no hay camino sino estelas en el mar . A possible translation into English could be: Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking …..... Walker, there is no path but wakes in the sea . Therefore, this paper tries to follow the wake of Antonio Machado, and the beautiful poetic idea of wakes in the sea provides a heartfelt tribute to both poets and seamen. In Memoriam The author wishes to dedicate this paper to the memory of his friend Rubén Ballesteros, poet, seaman and teacher. References Cai, C.Q., Shin, C.S., 2005. A Normalized Area-Compliance Method for Monitoring Surface Crack Development in a Cylindrical Rod, International Journal of Fatigue 27, 801-809. Toribio, J., 2017. Stress Corrosion Cracking of Progressively Cold-Drawn Pearlitic Steels: From Tintoretto to Picasso . Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 1439-1445. Toribio, J., 2018. Microstructure-Based Anisotropic Fatigue Behavior of Hot Rolled and Cold Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires and the Corresponding Crack Paths: Following the Wake of Antonio Machado and Fray Luis de León . Procedia Structural Integrity 9, 317-322. Toribio, J., González, B., Matos, J.C, 2021a. Effect of the Crack Tip Bifurcation on the Plasticity-Induced Fatigue Propagation in Metallic Materials. Materials 14, 3385. Toribio, J., González, B., Matos, J.C., 2007. Fatigue Cack Propagation in Cold Drawn Steel. Materials Science and Engineering A468-470, 267 272. Toribio, J., González, B., Matos, J.C., 2008. Multi-Scale Approach to the Fatigue Crack Propagation in High-Strength Pearlitic Steel Wires. Journal of ASTM International 5, 1-15. Toribio, J., Matos, J.C., González, B., 2021b. Numerical Modeling of Plasticity-Induced Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation Due to Deflection in the Near-Tip Area. Metals 11, 541. Toribio, J., Toledano, M., 1999. Fatigue Behaviour of Progressively Drawn Steels, Proceedings of the Seventh International Fatigue Congress (Wu X.R. and Wang Z.G., editors), Beijing, June, EMAS, West Midlands. Toribio, J., Toledano, M., 2000. Fatigue and Fracture Performance of Cold Drawn Wires for Prestressed Concrete. Construction and Building Materials 14, 47-53. Toyosada, M., Niwa, T., Sakai, J., 1997. Physical Meaning of  K RP and Fatigue Crack Propagation in the Residual Stress Distribution Field. International Journal of Fatigue 19, S161-S166. Vasudevan, A.K., Sadananda, K., Glinka, G., 2001. Critical Parameters for Fatigue Damage. International Journal of Fatigue 23, S39-S53.

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