PSI - Issue 41
Abdoullah Namdar et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 41 (2022) 403–411 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
4. Conclusion The seismic failure mitigation process of embankment-subsoil was investigated by analyzing the soil-geogrid interaction in the subsoil of the embankment for realizing the best location can install geogrid in the subsoil. The results of the numerical simulation revealed that the installation of geogrid in the suitable location of the subsoil modifies the deformation pattern of the model. The numerical simulation shows, the load transferring and loads interaction mechanism are changed with the installation of geogrid in different locations. In model 1 the embankment is collapse with lower displacement compared to models 2 and 3. The vibration mechanism of models 2 and 3 are very close to each other and the frequency in model 2 is low compared to all models. The expected nonlinear displacement for all three models was predicted. The flexibility and seismic resistance of the subsoil model are related to the soil-geogrid interaction. For technical application in the estimation of seismic nonlinear displacement of the embankment-subsoil model, the exact location and shape of geogrid need to be designed. Future research needs to evaluate based on a cost effective technique for geogrid design, and in addition, geogrid-soil interaction requires investigating in detail. Acknowledgements The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. References Albinmousa, J., Peron, M., Jose, J., Abdelaal, A. F., Berto, F., 2020. Fatigue of V-notched ZK60 magnesium samples: X-ray damage evolution characterization and failure prediction. International Journal of Fatigue 139, Article 105734. American institute of steel construction (AISC). 2009. Detail for steel construction. Third edition. Printed in the United States of America. ISBN 1-56424-059-2. Branco, R., Prates, P., Berto, F., Costa, J., Antunes, F., 2019. Mixed numerical-experimental method for generation of energy-life fatigue master curves. 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