PSI - Issue 41
Kushal Mishra et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 41 (2022) 248–253 Mishra & Singh / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 00 – 000
Fig.3. (a) Compression test st ress- strain curve carried out at different st rain rates. Thest rain rates are listed in Table 1. (b) Variation ofYoung’s modulus with st rain rate.
4. Conclusion As the uniaxia l strain rate under compression increases, the elastic modulus, compressive yield strength, percentage post-yield softening increases, and flow stress shifts to higher values. Shear yield ing is the dominant phenomenon under compression. A higher softening post yielding at higher strain rates results from a localized plastic flow before strain hardening stage sets in. Under tension, the UTS and fracture strain in itia lly decrease and increase at a higher strain due to a change in the crazing mechanism from disentanglement to scission as strain rate increases. References V.D. Nguyen, F. Lani, T. Pardoen, X.P. Morelle, L. Noels, A large st rain hyperelast ic viscoelast ic -viscoplast ic-damage const itut ive model based on a mult i-mechanism non-local damage cont inuum for amorphous glassy polymers, Int. J. Solids St ruct. 96 (2016) 192 – 216. ht tps:// V. Srivastava, A large-deformation thermo-mechanically coupled elast ic-viscoplast ic theory for amorphous polymers: modeling of micro-scale forming and the shape memory phenomenon, 2010. X.P. Morelle, J. Chevalier, C. Bailly, T . Pardoen, F. Lani, Mechanical characterizat ion andmodeling of the deformat ion and failure of the highly crosslinkedRTM6 epoxy resin, Mech. Time-Dependent Mater. 21 (2017) 419 – 454. A.D. Mulliken, M.C. Boyce, Mechanics of the rate-dependent elastic-plast ic deformat ion of glassy polymers from low to high st rain rates, Int. J. Solids St ruct . 43 (2006) 1331 – 1356. J.L. Jordan, C.R. Siviour, B.T. Woodworth, High strain rate tensile and compressive effect s in glassy polymers, EPJWeb Conf. 26 (2012) 1 – 4. ht tps:// E.M. Arruda, M.C. Boyce, R. Jayachandran, Effect s of strain rate, temperature and thermomechanical coupling on the finite strain deformat ion of glassy polymers, Mech.Mater. 19 (1995) 193 – 212. N.K. Naik, P.J. Shankar, V.R. Kavala, G. Ravikumar, J.R. Pothnis, H. Arya, High st rain rate mechanical behavior of epoxy under compressive loading: Experimental andmodeling studies, Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 528 (2011) 846 – 854. J.L. Jordan, J.R. Foley, C.R. Siviour, Mechanical propert ies of Epon 826/DEA epoxy, Mech. Time-Dependent Mater. 12 (2008) 249 – 272. ht tps:// W. Chen, F. Lu, M. Cheng, Tension and compression test s of two polymers under quasi-stat ic and dynamic loading, Polym. Test. 21 (2002) 113 – 121. ht tps:// L. Goglio, L. Peroni, M. Peroni, M. Rossetto, High strain-rate compression and tension behaviour of an epoxy bi-component adhesive, Int. J. Adhes. Adhes. 28 (2008) 329 – 339. B. Fiedler, M. Hojo, S. Ochiai, K. Schulte, M. Ando, Failure behavior of an epoxy matrix under different kinds of stat ic loading, Compos. Sci. Technol. 61 (2001) 1615 – 1624. J.D. Littell, C.R. Ruggeri, R.K. Goldberg, G.D. Robert s, W.A. Arnold, W.K. Binienda, Measurement of Epoxy Resin Tension, Compression, and Shear Stress – Strain Curves over a Wide Range of St rain Rates Using Small Test Specimens, J. Aerosp. Eng. 21 (2008) 162 – 173. ht tps:// L.C.A. Van Breemen, E.T.J. Klompen, L.E. Govaert , H.E.H. Meijer, Extending the EGP const itut ive model for polymer glasses to mult iple relaxat ion times, J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 59 (2011) 2191 – 2207. X. Morelle, Mechanical Characterization and Physics-BasedModeling of a Highly-CrosslinkedEpoxy Resin, 2015.
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