PSI - Issue 40

S.V. Danilov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 40 (2022) 112–117



S.V. Danilov at al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000

4. Conclusions This paper describes the effect of the crystallographic texture of pipe steel processed by TMCP on the deformation and fracture during tensile testing. Elongated ferrite grains with {001} plane (plane along which cleavage in α -Fe proceeds) parallel to the pipe axis may occur depending on the temperature of the final isothermal rolling of high-strength low-alloy steel sheets. The anisotropy of structural changes and shape of the samples during their fracture is associated with the pronounced crystallographic texture. The more scattered texture observed for final controlled rolling temperature of 920 ° C demonstrates a greater necking isotropy. Acknowledgements This study was supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation, Project SP-3775.2021.1. References Pyshmintsev, I.Y., Smirnov, M.A., 2019. Structure and properties of steels for main pipelines [Struktura i svojstva stalej dlya magistral'nyh truboprovodov]. UMC UPI, Ekaterinburg, 242 p. Nishioka, K., Ichikawa, K., 2012. Progress in thermomechanical control of steel plates and their commercialization. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 13, 023001. Zhu, X.-K., 2015. State-of-the-art review of fracture control technology for modern and vintage gas transmission pipelines. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 148, 260 – 280. Zhuang Z., O'Donoghue, P.E., 2000. The recent development of analysis methodology for rapid crack propagation and arrest in gas pipelines. International Journal of Fracture 101, 269 – 290. Pyshmintsev, I.Y., Struin, A.O., Gervasyev, A.M., Lobanov, M.L., Rusakov, G.M., Danilov, S.V., Arabey, A.B., 2016. Effect of bainite crystallographic texture on failure of pipe steel sheets made by controlled thermomechanical treatment, Metallurgist 60, 405 – 412. Lobanov, M.L., Danilov, S.V., Urtsev, V.N., 2020. Effect of structure and texture on failure of pipe steel sheets produced by TMCP. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 709, 044010. Gervasyev, A., Pyshmintsev, I., Petrov, R., Huo, C., Barbaro, F., 2020. Splitting susceptibility in modern X80 pipeline steels. Materials Science and Engineering A 772, 138746. Shtremel, M.A., Arabei, A.B., Glebov, A.G., Abakumov, A.I., Esiev, T.S., Pyshmintsev, I.Y., 2020. Observation of extended fracture dynamics of pipeline. Deformaciya i razrushenie materialov, 39 – 46. Joo, M.S., Suh, D.-W., Bae, J.H., Sanchez Mouriño , N., Petrov, R., Kestens, L.A.I., Bhadeshia, H.K.D.H., 2012. Experiments to separate the effect of texture on anisotropy of pipeline steel. Materials Science and Engineering A 556, 601 – 606. Hara, T., Asahi, H., Shinohara, Y., Terada, Y., 2006. Effects of microstructure and texture on DWTT properties for high strength line pipe steels. Proceedings of IPC: International Pipeline Conference 3, 245 – 250. Farber, V.M., Khotinov, V.A., Morozova, A.N., Martin, T., 2015. Separations and Their Contribution into the Impact Toughness of Steels of Strength Class K65 (X80). Metal Science and Heat Treatment 57, 487 – 491. Arabei, A.B., Pyshmintsev, I.Y., Shtremel', M.A., Glebov, A.G., Struin, A.O., Gervas'ev, A.M., 2009. Resistance of X80 steel to ductile-crack propagation in major gas lines. Steel in Translation 39, 719 – 724. Tesař, K. Jäger, A., 2014. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis of the crack development induced by uniaxial tension in commercially pure titanium. Materials Science and Engineering A 616, 155 – 160. Erpalov, M.V., Khotinov, V.A., 2020. Optical method to study post-necking material behavior. AIP Conference Proceedings 2288, 030007. Carneiro, Í., Simões, S., 2020. Recent advances in EBSD characterization of metals. Metals 10, 1097. Lobanov, M.L., Pyshmintsev, I.Y., Urtsev, V.N., Danilov, S.V., Urtsev, N.V., Redikultsev, A.A., 2019. Texture Inheritance in the Ferrito Martensite Structure of Low-Alloy Steel after Thermomechanical Controlled Processing. Physics of Metals and Metallography 120, 1180 – 1186. Yang, X.-L., Xu, Y.-B., Tan, X.-D., Wu, D., 2014. Influences of crystallography and delamination on anisotropy of Charpy impact toughness in API X100 pipeline steel. Materials Science and Engineering A 607, 53 – 62. Lobanov, M.L., Krasnov, M.L., Urtsev, V.N., Danilov, S.V., Pastukhov, V.I., 2019. Effect of Cooling Rate on the Structure of Low-Carbon Low Alloy Steel After Thermomechanical Controlled Processing. Metal Science and Heat Treatment 61, 32 – 38. Hutchinson, B., Ryde, L., Lindh, E., Tagashira, K., 1998. Texture in hot rolled austenite and resulting transformation products. Materials Science and Engineering A 257, 9 – 17.

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