PSI - Issue 40
E.D. Kurbanova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 40 (2022) 251–257 Kurbanova E.D., Polukhin V.A./ / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
alloy acquires extremely high mechanical characteristics and super strength due to such a multiphase and compact duplex microstructure. It was found that with an increase in the concentration of alloying Ti in the alloys Nb 85-x Ti x Ni 17 and V 85-x Ti x Ni 15 (with partial substitution of Nb and V in them) in solid solutions are formed with a bcc structure - eutectic phases {(Nb (V), Ti) + TiNi} and primary phases (Nb (V), Ti), respectively with the concentrations of the primary phases of bcc-Nb (V) and very important secondary phases: NiTi (formed at), and at) NiTi 2 , since their presence, as well as the presence of eutectic phases, blocks the formation hydrides at concentrations
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