PSI - Issue 40

V.A. Mironov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 40 (2022) 307–313 V. A. Mironov at al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000



3. Results and discussion The RCG was performed by means of a specialized high-resolution RCG firmware system with a PM discretization of 1000±3 Hz in a KAP-RK-01-Mikor diagnostic firmware (Reg. Certificate FS022b2005/2447-006) with the analysis of the wave structure of HRV and synchronous real-time ECG recording Mironova at al. (2000, 2008), Mironov (2002). The clinical and experimental trial method Vein at al. (2003) was applied: at rest (Ph) and in the Valsalva –Brücker maneuver (Vm), the Aschner test (pA), active orthostatic test (Aop), and by testing with HR 120 -graduated physical exercise (PWC 120 ). A subgroup with the most severe clinical presentation of the disease was selected. Figure 1 shows an example of the three-component RCG of a healthy man from the control group. The following parameters were selected during the RCG testing with statistical timing and spectral HRV analysis: the average RR interval, the average standard deviation of all HRV-SDNN waves, the rms parameters of the parasympathetic σs, sympathetic σm, humoral metabolic waves σl. Spectral analysis with a fast Fourier transformation, Hamming and Parsen spectral windows was used for assessing the ratio of three regulating factors by the power spectrum rate of multi-frequency ranges – HF%, LF%, and VLF%, respectively. For comparison, Fig. 1 presents an example of the RCG of a healthy person at rest. The arrows point to the sympathetic (m-medium), parasympathetic (s-short), and humoral metabolic (l-long) waves of HRV. The black part of the spectrum in the spectrogram corresponds to the spectral area of very low-frequency humoral metabolic waves (VLF%), the middle part shows sympathetic low-frequency waves (LF%), and the high-frequency area represents parasympathetic waves (HF%). For healthy people, HF% must prevail due to the physiological features of pulmonary parenchyma receptors Ewing at al. (1978). The parameters before PCAP for people with EA, low HRV amplitude, but different fluctuations were compared with those for patients having EA of FCs 3 and 4 with the cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) syndrome and apparent heart rhythm stabilization.

Fig. 1. RCG, spectrogram, and mathematical parameters of a healthy man from the control group, where “s” denotes parasympathetic HRV fluctuations in the form of elongated single intervals, “m” symbolizes sympathetic shortenings from 10 - 30 intervals, and “l” indicates humoral metabolic slow waves. The black part in the spectrogram corresponds to the spectral area of very low-frequency humoral metabolic effect (VLF%), the middle part shows sympathetic regulation (LF%), and the right part represents parasympathetic HR regulation (HF%). In the norm, the largest spectral area is parasympathetic.

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