PSI - Issue 40
L.A. Prokopyev et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 40 (2022) 365–371 Prokopyev L.A. at al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
It should be noted that AE testing carried out using the local low-temperature thermal loading method is a non destructive testing method. Therefore, it is possible to predict defect behavior in constructions by this method. 5. Conclusion The possibility of using the method of the low-temperature thermal loading for acoustic emission control to predict the defect behavior in constructions is shown. The method is based on the initiation of a local stress-strain state on metal construction, which is formed when a specific area of the construction is cooled from low-temperature carbon dioxide. The signals from acoustic emissions emanating from the crack tip on the plate specimen of steel “St.3” are studied, the stress intensity factors in a gradient temperature field are calculated. The power-law relationship of the acoustic emissions total count with the stress intensity factor for the method of the low-temperature thermal loading was shown. Acknowledgements The reported study was funded by Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, Project III.28.1.1 in the frames of Program for Basic Research of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of sciences. References Danegan H.L., Harris D.O., Tatro C.A., 1968. Fracture analysis by use of acoustic emission. Engineering fracture mechanics 1. 105-422. Buylo, S. I., 2017. Fiziko-mekhanicheskiye, statisticheskiye i khimicheskiye aspekty akustiko-emissionnoy diagnostiki: monografiya. Southern federal university’s pre ss, Rostov-na-Donu, Taganrog, pp. 184. Andreev Ya. M., Lukin E.S., Prokopyev L.A., Ivanov A.R., 2019. Reliability of linear main gas pipelines after longer operation in cryolithozone conditions. Procedia Structural Integrity 20, 167-173. Bolshakov A. M., Prokopyev L. A., 2019. Prediction of a crack growth trajectory with allowance for the angular distribution of the small components of the tangential stresses at a crack tip. Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 10, 964-966. Prokopyev L.A., Andreev Ya. M., Lukin E.S., 2019. The dependence of the crack growth trajectory on the parameters of the crack tip stress field. Procedia Structural Integrity 20, 93-97. Matviyenko Yu.G., 2011. Osredneniye napryazheniy v poiske trayektorii treshchiny. Vestnik nauchno-tekhnicheskogo razvitiya 12(52), 19-24. Bolshakov A. M., Andreev Ya. M., 2017. Sposob nizkotemperaturnogo lokal'nogo nagruzheniya ob"yekta pri akustiko-emissionnom metode nerazrushayushchego kontrolya. Pat. 2614190 Ros. Federatsiya, 23.03.2017. Andreev Ya.M., Bolshakov A.M., 2017. Sposob nizkotemperaturnogo lokal'nogo nagruzheniya dnishcha vertikal'nykh stal'nykh rezervuarov pri akustiko-emissionnom metode nerazrushayushchego kontrolya. Pat.RUS 2653593, 11.05.2018. Parton V. Z., Morozov Ye. M., 1974. Mekhanika uprugoplasticheskogo razrusheniya. Nauka, Moscow, pp. 416. GOST25.506-85, 2005. Metody mekhanicheskikh ispytaniy metallov. Opredeleniye kharakteristik treshchinostoykosti (vyazkosti razrusheniya) pri staticheskom nagruzhenii. M: Standartinform. RD34.17.444-97, 1998. Metodika provedeniya akustiko-emissionnogo kontrolya pri ispytaniyakh truboprovodov teplovykh setey na germetichnost' i plotnost'. Moscow.
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