PSI - Issue 35

Orhun Bulut et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 35 (2022) 228–236


Orhun Bulut et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2021) 000–000


with the experiments. Significant di ff erences between flow stresses of the specimens were observed even though sim ilar values were recorded in experimental studies. The disagreement was partly due to the boundary conditions which delayed the localization and the variation in the amount of GBs transverse to the loading direction. The most im portant reason was the same hardening parameters being used for specimens with di ff erent mean grain sizes, which would naturally decrease in the t / d < 1 regime. A more accurate study can be conducted in the future with appropriate hardening parameters or by employing a strain gradient crystal plasticity model which would take into account the size e ff ect. For t / d > 1, flow stresses increase rapidly until the critical value. The critical value is found to be approximately 2. The rapid increase was a result of the development of the GBs parallel to the loading direction. 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