PSI - Issue 35
Kpemou Apou Martial et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 35 (2022) 254–260 Kpemou A. M. et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
real shift in the value of transition temperature for ½ Charpy induced by HE, but do not show a change in the case of standard Charpy. A dependence on the thickness of the specimens can therefore be highlight. Due to the increased use of high pipe steel (X80 and higher), further researches will be held to study the effect of HE on the value of transition temperature. Acknowledgements Thanks to the LEM3 Laboratory for supporting this research, and thanks to the following people for their expertise and assistance in all aspects of our study and for their help in writing the manuscript: Guy Pluvinage and Julien Capelle. References [1] Florisson, O. Preparing for the Hydrogen Economy by Using the Existing Natural Gas System as a Catalyst Naturalhy project Report SES6/CT/2004/502661. [2] W. H. Johnson: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 23:168 – 179, (1875). [3] Steigerwald E.A, Schaller, F.W. et Troiano A.R. (1960) Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME , vol 218, p 832, (2010). [4] Magnin T. « Mécanismes de fatigue-corrosion des alliages métalliques », La Revue de Métallurgie-CIT/Science et Génie des Matériaux, (2002). [5] API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, American Petroleum Institute, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2007). [6] ASME B31.12-2019. Hydrogen piping and pipelines (2019). [7] A. Coseru, J. Capelle, G. Pluvinage, on the use of Charpy transition temperature as reference temperature for the choice of a pipe steel. Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 37, February, Pages 110-119, (2004). [8] Oldfield W, “Development of fracture toughness reference curves”, Journal of E ngineering Materials and Technology, 1980, 102(1):107 – 117. [9] I. Elayashi, G Pluvinage, M.O Bensalah, M Lebienvenu, I. Dlouhy. Some considerations about joint effect of temperature and notch root radius on fracture toughness Engineering Mechanics, Vol 6, (2007). [10] G Pluvinage (2003) « Un siècle d’essai Charpy, de la résistance vive à la rupture à la mécanique de rupture d’entaille »; Revue Mécanique et Industries, Volume/Issue: vol 4/3 pp 197. [11] Mouwakeh, M., Pluvinage, G., et Masri, S., Failure of water pipes containing surface cracks using limit analysis notions. Res. J. of Aleppo Univ. Engineering Science Series, vol. 63, p. 79, (2011). [12) B.S. Henry, A.R. Luxmoore, The stress triaxiality constraint and the Q-value as a ductile fracture parameter, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 57, Issue 4Pages 375-390, (1997). [13] Dodds R, Ruggieri C and Koppenhefer K. “3D Constraint effects on models for transferrability of cleavage fracture toughness”. ASTM 1321:179- 197. (1997). [14] Zhao J. et Guo W., “Three -parameter K – T – Tz characterization of the crack-tip fields in compact-tension- shear specimens”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 92: 72 – 88,(2012). [15] Yang. B, Ravichandar. K, “Evaluation of T stress by stress difference method”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2001, Vol 64:589 – 605. [16] Wallin, K. , “Methodology for selecting Charpy toughness criteria for thin high strength steels: Part 1 - determining the fracture toughness ,” Jernkontorets Forskning, Report from Working Group 4013/89, Espoo, Finland, (1994). [17] J.Kuk Mijim, G.Pluvinage, J.Capelle, Z.Azari, M.Benamara “Probabilistic design factors for pipes used for hydrogen transport”; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. [18] P. Fassina, F. Bolzoni, G. Fumagalli, L. Lazzari, L. Vergani, A. Sciuccati, “ Influence of hydrogen and low temperature on mechanical behav iour of two pipeline steels”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 81: 43– 55, (2012). [19] G. Pluvinage., Notch effects in fatigue and Fracture”; Editor Kluwer , (2001). [20] Capelle J, Gilgert J, Dmytrakh I, Pluvinage G.,The effect of hydrogen concentration on fracture of pipeline steels in presence of a notch, Engineering Fracture Mechanics , Volume: 78 ,Issue: 2 , Pages: 364-373,(2011). [21] J. Capelle « Étude de la nocivité d’un défaut de type éraflure sur une conduite destinée au transport du mélange gaz naturel -hydrogène » Thesis Metz (Novembre 2008).
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