PSI - Issue 34


Guilherme Guimarães et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 34 (2021) 26–31 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000


To determine if the weight savings justifies the application of the lattice structure the mechanical behavior of the body also needs to be contemplated. Therefore, Figure 6 shows the results from the compressive test for each lattice sample.

Figure 6: Mechanial results of the compressive test

The mechanical analysis can be improved with the numerical analysis of the compressive test. It was observed through the color-coded stress an increase in the shear stress during the compression of the sample. It was also observed that the cell size is not directly related to the mechanical behavior since the 9 mm cell demonstrated higher stresses and a different plastification behavior.

Figure 7: Lattice numerical compressive test

4.Conclusion In this paper, three cell sizes configurations were used to analyze the weight reduction and the mechanical behavior under compression of samples based on the ASTM E9 Standard geometry. Regarding the weight reduction generated by the lattice structures, it was an observed overall reduction of 60% in the sample mass. The results also showed that the 5mm lattice showed a higher load capacity, which was observed by the higher Yield strength on the compressive test or by the lower stress on the numerical experiment. It was also observed a discrepancy in the stress found numerically and experimentally, which can be related to the mechanical properties used on the compressive test.

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