PSI - Issue 34

N. Lammens et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 34 (2021) 247–252 N. Lammens/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Figure 7. FE analysis for in-service loading (left) and predicted lifetimes for two critical areas in the model (right)

At time of writing, experimental testing of the component is in progress. However, prior use-cases have showcased the ability to properly predict failure locations and lifetimes for several components (e.g. Lammens et al. (2021)). Future research will focus on incorporating more information about the print process, including residual stresses, distortions, porosities and microstructural properties into the Durability analysis. Although already feasible technically, a major challenge is in the validation of these extensions as developing targeted use-cases that highlight individual influences is difficult. 5. Conclusion This work has provided a high-level overview of the ongoing research related to establishing a process-property performance chain, and how it can help the industrialization of Additive Manufacturing by offering predictive tools to designer to obtain first-time-right parts for critical applications. The illustrations on the presented use-case highlight the importance of having a specialized framework to model AM component performance via the proposed process property-performance chain. Previous publications have already showcased the performance of the methodology and further validation is still in progress. Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge SIM (Strategic Initiative Materials in Flanders) and VLAIO (Flemish government agency Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship) for their support of the ICON project M3-FATAM & M3-PROCSIMA which are part of the research program MacroModelMat (M3), coordinated by Siemens (Siemens Digital Industries Software, Belgium) ( The authors also gratefully acknowledge Dr. Darya Kastsian and Dr. Daniel Reznik from Siemens Technology for their support in the SOFIA project, and Boris Lauber from Siemens Industry Software GmbH. References Garibaldi, M., Erdelyi, H., van Eekelen, T., Reznik, D., 2018. Assessment of a multi-scale approach for laser powder bed fusion process simulation. In NAFEMS Nordic 2018. Gallego-Bordallo, F., Garibaldi, M., Erdelyi, H., van Eekelen, T., 2019. Experimental validation of a thermo-mechanical process simulation tool for laser powder bed fusion processes. In Sim-AM 2019. Lammens, N., Erdelyi, H., Craeghs, T., Van Hooreweder, B., Van Paepegem, W., 2019. Effect of process induced artefacts on the fatigue life estimation of additive manufactured metal components. In The first European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials Lammens, N., Cutolo, A., Schulz, M., Straesser, S., Van Hooreweder, B., Erdelyi, H., 2021. Advanced Fatigue Analysis of Additive Manufactured parts including process-induced defects and artefacts. In European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing 2021

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