PSI - Issue 34

Dario Santonocito et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 34 (2021) 211–220 D. Santonocito et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000





Fig. 8. Fracture surface for: a) static tensile test; b) fatigue test.

5. Conclusion The mechanical properties and the energy release during static tensile and fatigue tests have been evaluated for PA12 specimens obtained by SLS. Different values of Young’s Modulus, ultimate strength and elongation at break have been found and compared with the current literature. From the static tensile test, by means of an infrared camera, the temperature trend has been evaluated, allowing the application of the Static Thermographic Method. The limit stress has been evaluated as the macroscopic value of the applied stress that introduce within the material the first micro plasticization, leading to a deviation from the linear thermoelastic trend. For the three tensile tests an average value of σ lim =24.4±3.5 MPa has been estimated. To validate the previous results and assess the fatigue limit of the material in a rapid way, a fatigue test campaign has been performed, with a stepwise increase of the applied stress level. The fatigue limit has been evaluated as the stress level at which the temperature increase is more marked respect the previous stress levels. A value of the fatigue limit equal to σ 0,TM = 26.5±1.1 MPa has been found. The limit stress is in good agreement with the fatigue limit and it is a more conservative design parameter. For additive manufactured materials, given the strictly dependence of the mechanical performance with the process parameter, it is necessary to evaluate the fatigue properties, in a very short amount of time and with low material consumption; hence the Static Thermographic Method and the Thermographic Method can be a useful aid. References Amiri, M., Khonsari, M.M., 2010. Rapid determination of fatigue failure based on temperature evolution: Fully reversed bending load. Int. J. Fatigue 32, 382 – 389. Berto, F., Razavi, S.M.J., Torgersen, J., 2018. Frontiers of fracture and fatigue: Some recent applications of the local strain energy density. Frat. ed Integrita Strutt. 12, 1 – 32. Clienti, C., Fargione, G., La Rosa, G., Risitano, A., Risitano, G., 2010. A first approach to the analysis of fatigue parameters by thermal variations in static tests on plastics. Eng. Fract. Mech. 77, 2158 – 2167. Corigliano, P., Cucinotta, F., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., Santonocito, D., 2020. Fatigue assessment of a marine structural steel and comparison with Thermographic Method and Static Thermographic Method. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 43, 734 – 743. Corigliano, P., Cucinotta, F., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., Santonocito, D., 2019. Thermographic analysis during tensile tests and fatigue assessment of S355 steel. Procedia Struct. Integr. 18, 280 – 286. Crupi, V., Epasto, G., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., 2015a. Thermographic method for very high cycle fatigue design in transportation engineering. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 229, 1260 – 1270. Crupi, V., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., Tavilla, F., 2015b. Experimental analyses of SFRP material under static and fatigue loading by means of thermographic and DIC techniques. Compos. Part B Eng. 77, 268 – 277.

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