PSI - Issue 33
M.P. Tretyakov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 33 (2021) 871–877 Tretyakov M.P. et al/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
Acknowledgements The reported study was carried out in Perm National Research Polytechnic University and was funded by RFBR, project number 20-38-70166. References Vildeman, V.E., Sokolkin, Yu.V., Tashkinov, А.А., 1997. Mechanics of inelastic deformation and fracture of composite materials, Moscow, Nauka. pp. 288. Vildeman, V.E., 2008. Mechanics of postcritical deformation and questions of strength analysis methodology, International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering 4 (2), 43. Vildemann V.E., Tretyakov M.P., 2019. Experimental study of postcritical deformation and failure of steels at high temperature. PNRPUMechanics Bulletin 1, 27-37. Shesterikov S.A., Lokoschenko A.M., 1996. Effect of stress concentration on long-term strength. Problems of Strength 5, 32-35. Tretyakov, M.P., Wildemann, V.E., Lomakin, E.V., 2016. Failure of materials on the postcritical deformation stage at different types of the stress strain state, Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 3721-3726. Tretyakov, M.P., Tretyakova, T.V., Wildemann, V.E., 2018. Regularities of mechanical behavior of steel 40Cr during the postcritical deformation of specimens in condition of necking effect at tension. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 43, 145-153. Vildemann V.E., Lomakin E.V., Tretyakov M.P., 2014. Postcritical deformation of steels in plane stress state. Mechanics of Solids 49 (1), 18-26. Vildeman, V.E., Lomakin, E.V., Tretyakova, T.V., Tretyakov, M.P., 2016. Development of inhomogeneous fields under postcritical deformation of steel specimens in extension, Mechanics of Solids 51(5), 612-618. Tretyakova T.V., Wildemann V.E., 2019. Experimental study of the influence of strain-stress state on the jerky flow in metals and alloys. Procedia Structural Integrity 17, 906-913. Berezhnoi D.V., Paimushin V.N., 2011. On two statements of elastoplastic problems and theoretical determination of the place of necking in specimens under tension. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 75 (4), 635-659. Lomakin E.V., Tretyakov M.P., 2016. Fracture properties of graphite materials and analysis of crack growth under bending conditions. Meccanica 51 (10), 2353-2364. Tretyakov M.P., Wildemann V.E . , 2017. Stable crack growth in composite laminates under various stiffness of the loading system. Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 233-238. Goldstein R.V., Perelmuter M.N., 2001. An interface crack with bonds between the surfaces. Mechanics of Solids 36 (1), 77-92.
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