PSI - Issue 32

A.V. Churkin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 277–283 A.V. Churkin, Yu.V. Ganziy, V.B. Dementev / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

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7. Conclusions The development of the HBS 57 stepper motor driver control system 57 HSE 2.2 using the visual programming environment of the ZETView SCADA system and the ZET 7176, ZET 7160-s digital modules of the ZETSENSOR series interacting on the basis of the CAN 2.0 interface made it possible to build a PC-based automated control workstation in a fairly short time. Important features of building precision positioning systems based on the ZET 7160-s digital module include: - lack of hardware inputs responsible for working with limit and emergency switches; - the presence of firmware restriction No. 7.736 of the ZET 7160-s hardware module and the graphic component "ZET 7xxx_1 configuration" of the visual programming environment of the ZETView SCADA system does not provide sequential input of the same motion parameters according to the “Save changes to sensor”signal clock. References Krasovsky A. A., Antonov A. Yu. Motion control and positioning of a stepper motor / / Automation in industry. 2011., No. 5. pp. 36-38. ZETLAB SCADA system [Electronic resource] // ZETLAB SCADA system URL: analizatorov-spektra/ aksessuaryi-dlya-analizatorov-spektra-8-kanalov/scada-sistema-zetview (Date of request: 18.02.2021) Digital sensors and devices of the ZETSENSOR family [Electronic resource] // Digital sensors and devices of the ZETSENSOR family. URL: (Date of request: 18.02.2021). Interface converter ZET7176 [Electronic resource] Interface converter ZET7176 URL: datchiki/preobrazovateli-interfeisov/ethernet-wi-fi/zet-7176-preobrazovatel-interfeysa/ (Date of request: 18.02.2021) Stepper motor driver control module ZET7160-s [Electronic resource] Stepper motor driver control module ZET7160-s URL: (Date of request: 18.02.2021) Servo stepper motor driver (stepper motor with encoder) HBS57. [Electronic resource] driver ES-D508 URL: (Date of request: 18.02.2021) Software ZETLAB [Electronic resource] // Software ZETLAB. URL: semeystva-zetsensor/ (Date of request: 18.02.2021) Device Manager program: [Electronic resource] // Device Manager program URL: zetlab/servisnyie/dispetcher-ustroystv/ (Date of request: 18.02.2021)

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