PSI - Issue 32
Valery Vasiliev et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 124–130 Vasiliev and Lurie / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
Sciarra G., Vidoli S., 2013. Asymptotic fracture modes in strain-gradient elasticity: Size effects and characteristic lengths for isotropic materials. Journal of Elasticity 113 (1), 27–53. Sih G.C., Tang X.S., 2005. Scaling of volume energy density function reflecting damage by singularities at macro-, meso- and microscopic level. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 43, 211–231. Vasiliev V., Lurie S., 2018. Nonlocal Solutions to Singular Problems of Mathematical Physics and Mechanics. Mech. Solids 53, 135–144. Vasiliev V., Lurie S., Salov V., 2019. Estimation of the Strength of Plates with Cracks Based on the Maximum Stress Criterion in a Scale-Dependent Generalized Theory of Elasticity. Physical Mesomechanics 22(6), 456-46.
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