PSI - Issue 32

Nataliya Elenskaya et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 253–260 N. Elenskaya, M. Tashkinov/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

258 6

, , x y z

, , x y z

G 

 




, , x y z

, , x y z

G 

 




Fig. 4. Fields of stress von Mises for different TPMSs based on mathematical expressions for Gyroid and I-WP surfaces

Figs. 5 and 6 shows “displacements – force” loading curves for the variations of the Gyroid and I-WP type RVEs subjected to tensile loading in displacements in the same direction along the Y axis. According to the obtained results, among the models obtained using the Gyroid mathematical formulation, the model   02 , , G x y z  demonstrate the stiffest behavior, while the model   04 , , G x y z  is the most compliant, with more than four times less force required to reach the same tensile displacements. As it is displayed at Fig. 6, the greatest force was required to stretch the I-WP model   05 , , I WP x y z   , while the force was observed for the model   03 , , I WP x y z   . It was demonstrated that some of the gradient structures demonstrate the similar behavior although

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