PSI - Issue 30

A.A. Vasilieva et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 30 (2020) 186–192


Vasilieva A.A. et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000


of an uneven winding of polyamide threads (see Fig. 1c). While the kinetics of climatic specimens varies greatly with decreasing specimen height, its moisture saturation also varies. The variation in kinetics and moisture saturation level can be explained by a high part of non-uniform surface destroyed layer: the absorbed moisture during the experiment destroys the surface layer, redistribution of free volume in the specimen occurs. The diffusion coefficients of climatic specimens vary greatly in comparison with the diffusion coefficient of the warehouse specimens, which have almost no destroyed surface layer. 4. Conclusion The effect of degradation of basalt fiber reinforced polymer rebar with an anhydride curing agent that exposed by the cold climate of the North of Russia for 54 months on its moisture uptake kinetics in a humid subtropical climate is studied. The result of climatic aging of the BFRP rebar is the creation of an uneven destroyed surface layer and an additional curing of the epoxy binder. The approximation of moisture transport processes using the Fickian law and constant boundary conditions are in good fitting with the experimental measurement of moisture uptake of BFRP rebar with a diameter of 6 mm. It was found that the moisture saturation level of specimens exposed by the cold climate of the Northern Russia is 20% less compared to the moisture saturation level of specimens that have not been not climatic exposed. The diffusion coefficients of climate specimens ranging from 16% to 56% with respect to the constant diffusion coefficient of specimens that have not been climatic exposed. Acknowledgements The work was carried out within the framework of the RFBR Project No. 18-29-05012 "Development of scientific bases for creation of new composite materials under the influence of abiogenic and biogenic factors in the Arctic and subarctic zones of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)". References Aniskevich, A.N., 1986. Moisture absorption and desorption by a unidirectional organoplastic under steady temperature-humidity conditions. Mech. Compos. Mater. 22 (3), 383–388. Aniskevich, A.N., Yanson, Y.O., 1991. Study of moisture absorption by an organoplastic. Mech. Compos. Mater. 26 (4), 455–462. Aniskevich, A.N., Jansons, J., 1998. Structural approach to calculation of the effect of moisture on elastic characteristics of organoplastics. Mech. Compos. Mater. 34 (4), 383–386. Aniskevich, A.N., Glaskova-Kuzmina T., 2019. Effect of moisture on elastic and viscoelastic properties of fiber reinforced plastics: Retrospective and current trends. In book Creep and Fatigue in Polymer Matrix Composites, 83–120. Crank J., 1975. The Mathematics of diffusion. London, Oxford University Press, pp. 414. Filatov, I. S., 1983. Climatic stability of polymeric materials. NAUKA, Moscow, pp. 387.1986. Aging of polymer materials and products in:Chersky, I.N. (Ed.): Collection of scientific papers, NF SB AS USSR, Yakutsk, pp. 151. G. Weibin, H. Shimin, Y. Minjiao, J. Long, D. Yi: The effects of hydrothermal ageing on properties and structure of bisphenol A polycarbonate. Polymer Degradation and Stability -2009. – № 94.-pp.13–17. Kablov, E.N., Startsev, O.V., Krotov, A.S., Kirillov V.N., 2010. Climatic aging of composite materials. Transactions of VIAM 11. 19–26. Kablov E.N., Startsev V.O., 2018. System analysis of the influence of climate on the mechanical properties of polymer composite materials according to domestic and foreign sources. Aviation materials and technologies 2. 47–58. Kirillov V.N., Efimov V.A., Dobryanskaya O.A., Drozd U.F., Course M.G., Vapirov Yu.M., 2010. Investigation of the atmospheric stability of polymer composite materials in a coastal atmosphere of a warm, humid and moderately warm climate. VIII Scientific Conference on Hydroaviation. Collection of reports. Part II, 84–90. Liang Xu, Yi He, Shaohua Ma, Li Hui. Effects of hygrothermal and thermal-oxidative ageing on the open-hole properties of T800/high temperature epoxy resin composites with different hole shapes // High Perfomance Polymers. 2020. V.32. Iss.3. pp.306-315. Starkova, O., Aniskevich, A., 2004. Modelling of moisture sorption by CFRP rebars with vinylester matrix. Adv. Compos. Lett. 13 (6), 283–289. Starcev O.V., Kuznecov A.A., Krotov A.S., Anihovskaja L.I., Senatorova O.G., 2002. Modelirovanie vlagoperenosa v sloistyh plastikah i stekloplastikah [Modelling of moisture transfer in layered plastic and fiberglass]. Fizicheskaja mezomehanika 5(2), 109–114. Startsev, O.V., 1994. Peculiarities of ageing of aircraft materials in a warm damp climate. Polymer Yearbook, 91–110.

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