PSI - Issue 30
V.P. Gulyaev et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 30 (2020) 40–44 Gulyaev V.P., Petrov P.P., Stepanova K.V. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000
Fig.1. General view and geometric dimensions of samples for cyclic loading.
Table 1. Parameters of the cyclic loading of steel 09G2S samples. Loads Maximum cycle stress σ max Number of cycles
Load frequency, Hz
0,5 σ 0,2
0,7 σ 0,2
0,9 σ 0,2
The X-ray analysis of 2 batches of samples was performed at 3 points of the effective part of the samples surface (see Fig. 2a). Analysis of the third batch of samples, pre-cyclically loaded with 40,000 cycles with a maximum cycle stress amplitude of σ max = 0,9 σ 0,2 , was conducted at 6 points on the samples surface, identified by the coordinates indicated in Fig. 2b, from 2 sides of the samples effective part. All samples after X-rays were stored indoor for 10 years. In 2019, X-ray photography of those samples was performed on a Rigaku Ultima IV diffractometer according to the scanning scheme with Bragg - Brentano focusing in Co К α radiation (wavelength λ = 1.790255 angstrom). The width of the slit restricting the incident beam horizontally is 10 mm, vertically is 0.50 mm; Seller slits on the incident and diffracted beams - 0.50 mm; the width of the slit restricting the diffracted beam vertically in front of the receiving slit is 0.50 mm. The operating mode of the X-ray source: U=40kV; I=30mA; scanning speed is 0.1 deg/min with 0.01 deg. interval.
Fig.2. Location of the X-ray points of cyclically loaded 09G2S steel samples.
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