PSI - Issue 30

A.A. Antonov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 30 (2020) 11–16 A.A. Antonov et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000

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underwater gas pipeline. 4. Conclusions

The uneven distribution of the planned-high-altitude positions of the I-st and II-nd lines of the underwater gas pipeline was detected on the floodplain areas from the right and left banks of the river. This is probably due to the uneven heaving, ground thawing, and freezing processes, as well as pipeline sinking and floating-up due to the heterogeneity of soil composition, moisture distribution, density, freezing conditions, and others along the underwater crossing of MGL route across the Lena river. A significant change in the planned-high-altitude positions of the I-st and II-nd line siphons of the underwater gas pipeline in the area of the Haptagay channel has been revealed compared to the earlier locations. As a result of such deterioration, the lines can completely freeze in the winter period, and the stiffness of their jamming strengthens. Acknowledgements This research has been supported by The Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation (Project III.28.1.1). References Aleskerova Z.Sh., Pul'nikov S.A., Sysoev Ju.S., Kazakova N.V., 2015. Ocenka jeffektivnosti geotehnicheskogo monitoringa magistral'nyh gazoprovodov po kachestvu produciruemoj informacii [Evaluation of the effectiveness of geotechnical monitoring of gas pipelines by the quality of the produced information], Neft' i gaz [Oil and Gas] 3, 78-83. (in Russian) Ammosov A.P., Kornilova Z.G., 2008. O stroitel'stve podvodnyh perehodov magistral'nyh truboprovodov (Analiticheskih obzor) [On the construction of the underwater crossings of trunk pipelines (Analytical review)], Yakutsk: Publishing house of YSU, pp.58. Burrell B.C., M. Huokuna, S. Beltaos, N. Kovachis, B. Turcotte, M. Jasek. 2015. Flood Hazard and Risk Delineation of Ice-Related Floods: Present Status and Outlook. - CGU HS Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment, 18th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers Quebec City, QC, Canada, August 18-20. Ivanov E.A., Dadonov Ju.A., Mokrousov S.N., Pashkov N.E., 2000. O tehnicheskom sostojanii magistral'nogo truboprovodnogo transporta Rossii [On the technical condition of the trunk pipeline transportation in Russia], Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti, [Industrial Safety] 9, 34-37. (in Russian) Markov E.V., Pul'nikov S.A., Sysoev Ju.S., 2015. Analiz tipovyh metodik rascheta glubiny protaivanija vechnomerzlyh gruntov pod truboprovodami [Analysis of standard methods for calculating the thawing depth of permafrost soils under pipelines] Modern problems of science and education 1-1. (in Russian) Permjakov P.P., Popov G.G., Matveeva M.V., 2011. Prognoz dinamiki «sezonnogo rasshatyvanija» gazoprovoda [Prediction of the dynamics of seasonal loosening of the gas pipeline]// Gazovaja promyshlennost' [Gas industry] 4, pp.17-19. (in Russian) Permyakov P.P., Ammosov A.P., Popov G.G., 2013. Vlijanie kriolitozony v osnovanii podvodnogo perehoda gazoprovoda cherez reku Lena. Gazovaja promyshlennost' [Influence of a cryolithozone in the basis of the underwater crossing of the gas pipeline across the Lena River, Gas industry] 2, 59-61. (in Russian) Russian statistical yearbook. 2017, pp. 686. Takakura H., Yoshikawa Y., Watanabe M., Sakai T., Hiyama T., 2018. Ice Movement in the Lena River and Effects of Spring Flooding on Human Society: An Interpretation of Local Sources Integrated with Satellite Imagery in a Multidisciplinary Approach. In: Global Warming and Human - Nature Dimension in Northern Eurasia, Global Environmental Studies, 101-123.

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