PSI - Issue 29

Michele Paradiso et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 29 (2020) 63–70 Paradiso, Conte and Prosperini / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



two overlapping entities of the Church and the district coexist, in the same way the project of consolidation of the transverse partitions foresees that the latter retain their origina l function, that is to support the attics of the floor above by restingwithout affecting the perimetermasonry. The floors are made using the dry construction technique(DCT) to insert the necessary systems for air conditioning and lighting in the cavity created. For the a ttic of the first floor, incident on the hall of the Church, a simple warpingof beams and joists was planned, while for tha t of the top floor the warping of the original beams was maintained, with the replacement of the planking present after inserting the missing joists. 4. Conclusions In conclusion, we canevaluate the general condition in which the Ex Churchof SanLorenzo in Pistoia is located. The complex does not present structural and degradation problems such as not to make it possible an immediate recovery and rapid refunctionalization, in order to give awareness to the City of the importance of this monument. It is evident that, in order to achieve this goa l, it is necessary to preserve the artifact preserving it from possible improper use and from the condition of disuse that has been affecting the Church for years. The lack of a functionof use is in fact, for anybuilding, the main reason for degradation, even before the lackof maintenance. Proceeding therefore with a possible reintegration into a living circuit of functional rela tionships, it is necessary to knowthe monument down to the most hiddenaspects, evaluate in every spacefromevery point of viewandmonitor its sta te of physical-mechanical health. 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