PSI - Issue 29

Ing. Paolo Iannelli et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 29 (2020) 1–7 Paolo Iannelli / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000 3 dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo del 23 aprile 2015 ,” † which presented a contributiondedicated to the safety actions to take for the cultural heritage in case of emergency (“ Aggiornamento della Direttiva del 12 aprile 2013 relativaalleprocedureper lagestionedelleattivitàdimessa in sicurezzae salvaguardiadel patrimonioculturale in caso di emergenze derivanti da calamità naturali ”). According to such strategy, a special organization having a “web structure” is activatedupon the occurrenceof a catastrophic event. Such an organizationworks in parall elwith the ordinary institutions according to specific roles which are specified and regulated in the samedocument. Such organization consists of: • A specia l unit, named “ Unità di Coordinamento Nazionale” ( UCCN-MiBACT ), which coordinates the external institutions operating in the emergencywith the MiBACT institutions. Suchunit defines the operational procedures, applies them, andchecks their quality ‡ . • Some “regional units for coordinating the UCCR-MiBACT ,” organized into three operational units, to ensure the fulfillment of all the activities planned in theregion and the due coordinationwith the other institutions of thearea (fire departments, civil protectionorganizations, loca l territorial authorities). The document provides a complete descriptionof theforms tocomplete todescribe damage to thecultural heritage due to various types of disasters, and it includes a series of procedures andoperational policies to regula te: - Coordinationwith the Civil Protection system. - Activities rela ted to thedamage survey, which include: i) those occurring in the first phase (quick survey) aimed at eva luating the first safety interventions and ii) the planning of the successive and more detailed survey and the execution of the interventions planned as a consequence of the first investigation. - Monitoringof the reconstruction interventions, with particular a ttention to the design phase. - Coordinationwith the “ Italian Episcopal Council ”according to the proper administrativeprotocol. Such provisions, therefore, assure a systemic framework of instructions for the operational unitsacting in the areas involved by thedisastrous events, creatingan operational protocol in case of emergency. They involve the activation of opera tional and communication systems, coordination with Civil Protection units, surveying of damage to the cultura l heritage, safety interventions for historical buildings and their contents, management of the temporary storage and immediate recovery of art goods, and themanagement of information. The operational provisions (for the damage survey and the interventions concerning the art goods) even include form- based and informatic instruments to collect information with “homogenous” criteria (i.e., comparable to those collected by different operators or in different contests), to check a ll the complex operations activated for the emergency, to archive the da ta rela ted to a ll damaged buildings and goods, and to obtain immediate information regarding the damage status of the cultural heritage, the duesafety interventions, and their approximated cost. Some further contributions to the MiBACT operations are: - Guidelines for rubble management. - Informative systems for the emergency activities, including one for planning activities rela ted to emergencies (PAEE), one for monitoring activities rela ted to emergencies (MAEE), and one, named “SecurArt,” for archiving the forms describing thedamages and the globalmanagement of data. - The territoria l systemof the “risk map”with the management forms of thedama gedmovable goods. The management of the emergency is conducted through the implementationof a strategy which is simultaneously able to regula tea ll the procedures to activate in a ll the phases of theemergencyand versatile enough to be adapted to the different operational situa tions. When ca tastrophic events havea destructive intensitywhich involves various areas, affectingboth thearchitectural and landscape identity, thesafeguardingand recoveryof damagedmovable goods constitutea fundamental st epof the reconstructingprocess. The reconstructionof buildings and, moregenerally, entire villages and“territories” implicitly includes thecontents of such buildings, as they are essential to preservingand reconstructingcultural, religious, socia l, and moral identity. 3

† “ Direttiva del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali ed il Turismo (MiBACT) ”, published in “ Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana ” in 2015, July 08. ‡ The activities coordinated by the central and the associated agencies of MiBACT and those of the Civil Protection are made according to the “ Ordinanza del Capo Dipartimento della Protezione Civile n. 338 , ” made on August 26, 2016.

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