PSI - Issue 29
Mauro Sassu et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 29 (2020) 8–15 Mauro Sassu / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
- The top of wa lls, after diggings, were not protected from rain penetration . - The archaeological excavations were not conducted following bila teral sequences, inducing transverse forces as a reta iningwa ll. - Loca l inhabitants used the archaeological site as a «stonecave». - Lack on maintenance works after excavations by local autorities.
Fig. 2. Structural problems of walls in Sumhuram city.
The procedure of archaeological consolidation in Khor Rori, started in 2004, was prepared by a series of mortar specimen, with the a im toperform thebest choice in terms of colors, strength anddurability. The colors should be as similar as possible with the clay in the nearby; the strength should strictly sufficient to sustain the blocks but with the possibility to remove it without damages on the blocks; the durability should be sufficient to avoid erosion effects by ra in or wind. After this decision, a series of sma ll wa lls were constructed to test the entire efficiency of the reconstruction phases. The procedure was then experimented to the easiest archaeologicalwa ll (M1), consistingon the isola tedmasonry panel in front of themain gate. The several phases were the following: 1. Disassembly with care thecollapsingzones (conserving the sequences of the blocks); 2. Removal of the clay components from collapsingwa lls; 3. Applica tion of a geotextile foil to separate existingby reconstructedwa lls; 4. Reconstructing the walls usingnewweak mortar (lime ‐ NHL)with samecolors of the existingclay mortar; 5. Newfilling inside the wa lls using stones, gravel and sand from the nearby; 6. Constructionof a «deck»a t the topof thewa lls made by weak mortar (lime ‐ NHL) to avoid ra in penetration; 7. Beautificationof the topof the walls crea ting«ruin effect»by stones andgravelwith weakmortar (lime ‐ NHL). The works involved a large number of the wa lls, permitting a further activity of archaeological diggings in safe conditions and finally the preparation of the path for visitors. Anumericalmodelwas then assessed to determine the ma in mechanical parameters of the masonry, through a back analysis of the observed failures, based on the collapse lawof Mohr Coulomb (Sassuet a l 2013), in order to assess the level of efficiency of bothorigina l and reconstructed masonryelements. Theentire textures of blockwere carefully replaced tomaintain their existing features.
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