PSI - Issue 28

L.A. Igumnov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 2086–2098 L.A. Igumnov, I.A. Volkov/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Fig. 15. The damage degree distribution over the reactor vessel cross section at the time of nucleation of a macrocrack for the first version of the analysis.

Fig. 16 The damage degree distribution over the reactor vessel cross section at the time of nucleation of a macrocrack for the second version of the analysis

The adequacy of the defining relations of MDM has been assessed by comparing the results of numerical computations with available test data on low-cycle fatigue and long-term strength, which corroborated the adequacy of the modeling and determining the material parameters. Acknowledgments The material degradation model of damaged media by the mechanism of low–cycle fatigue was developed under financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project 0729-2020 0054). The material degradation model of damaged media by the long-term strength mechanism was developed under financial support from a grant of the Government of the Russian Federation (contract No. 14.Y26.31.0031). References Volkov, I.A., Korotkikh, Y.G.: Uravneniya sostoyaniya vyazkouprugoplasticheskih sred s povrezhdeniyami. (in Rus.) M.: Fizmatlit, (2008) Volkov, I.A., Igumnov, L.A.: Vvedeniye v kontinualnuyu mehaniku povrezhdennoy sredy. (in Rus.) M.: FIZMATLIT, (2017) Volkov, I.A., Igumnov, L.A., Korotkikh, Y.G.: Prikladnaya teoriya vyazkoplastichnosti. (in Rus.) N. Novgorod , NNGU, (2015) Mozharovsky, N.S. Shukaev S I. Durability of structural materials with nonproportional paths of low cycle loading // Problems of strength. 1988, No. 10. P. 47 - 53. Kazakov, D. A., Kapustin, S. A., Korotkikh, Y.G.: Modelirovaliye protsessov deformirovaniya I razrusheniya materialov i konstruktsiy. (in Rus.) N.Novgorod: Izd-vo Nizhegorodskogo un-ta. (1994) Frizen, E.A., Semishkin, V.P., Pantyushin, S.I.: Termomehanicheskiy analiz povedeniya korpusa reaktora sredney moshnosti v usloviyah tyazholoy zaproektnoy avarii (in Rus.) (Gidropress, 2014) Drobyshevskiy, N.I., Kiselev, A.E., Strizhov, V.F., Filippov, A.S.: HEFESTM: programmnoye sredstvo dlya rascheta vysokotemperaturnogo nelineynogo deformirovaniya (in Rus.) Matem. modelirovaniye, 22(2), 45–63 (2010) Loktionov, V.D., Sosnin, O.V., Lyubashevskaya, I.V.: Prochnostnye svoistva i osobennosti deformatsionnogo povedeniya stali 15H2NMFA–A v temperaturnom diapazone 20–1100 °C (in Rus.) Atomnaya energiya 99(3), 229–232 (2005) Semishkin, V.P., Pazhetnov, V.V., Frtizen, E.A., Loktionov, V.D.: Tertermomehanicheskoe povedenie korpusa VVER v tyazheloy avarii (in Rus.) Pyataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno- tehnicheskaya konferentsiya “Obespechenoye bezopasnosti AES s VVER », Podilsk, 29(5), 1–6 (2007)

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