PSI - Issue 28

Slobodanka Boljanović et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 2370 – 2377 Slobodank B oljanović et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 00 ( 020) 0 0 – 000



Fig. 5. Residual life assessment for the plate with quarter-elliptical corner crack: (a) a vs. N ; (b) b vs. N , calculated curves are the present results (1 – a 0 = 0.9 mm, 2 – a 0 = 1.35 mm, 3 – a 0 = 2.02 mm).

Fig. 6. Residual life assessment for the plate with quarter-elliptical corner crack: (a) a vs. N ; (b) b vs. N , calculated curves are the present results (1 – R = 0.1, 2 – R = 0.25, 3 – R = 0.625). Conclusions Rapid development in modern computational technologies that offer high performance assessments under complex loading conditions opens up the possibility for better durability and reliability of large moving structures. Thus, set of analytical formulae has been developed to estimate the residual strength of plate-type components subjected to deterioration due to the onset and progression of a quarter-elliptical corner crack. Since such formulae are expressed in terms of stress-raiser detrimental performances, load/environment conditions and the original material parameters, they can be used to assess the time-variant failure vulnerability of large moving structures in the frame of damage tolerance-based design, life-cycle cost evaluations and risk analysis.

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