PSI - Issue 28

Fuzuli Ağrı Akçay et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 1399– 1406 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Table 6. 2D and 3D numerical results of circular cylindrical rod with a fixed end and a free end. Collapse load, F � ( N ) Analytical result 2.83 2D finite element result 2.96 3D finite element result 4.18

5. Conclusions An analytical model is developed utilizing limit analysis in order to determine the strength of additively manufactured micro lattices. Numerical simulations are conducted and results are compared to the experimental results of AlSi10Mg aluminum lattice structures. Analytical model provides reasonable results with respect to the experimental results. However, 2D finite element models are found to not represent AlSi10Mg micro lattice structures accurately. Therefore, 3D finite element simulations are conducted and further numerical simulations are underway to investigate the inconsistency between experimental results and 2D numerical results. Moreover, additional experiments are to be performed in order to examine the accuracy of analytical model for various strut length to strut diameter ratios. Acknowledgements The first author is (partially) supported by Research Fund of Istanbul Technical University (Project ID: 41598) during his visit at University of Central Florida. Thanks due to the Abaqus (Simulia) software license support from Dassault Systèmes. References Ashby, M.F., 2006. The properties of foams and lattices. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 364(1838), 15-30. Maconachie, T., Leary, M., Lozanovski, B., Zhang, X., Qian, M., Faruque, O., Brandt, M., 2019. SLM lattice structures: Properties, performance, applications and challenges. Materials & Design 183, 108137. Maskery, I., Aboulkhair, N.T., Aremu, A.O., Tuck, C.J., Ashcroft, I.A., Wildman, R.D., Hague, R.J., 2016. A mechanical property evaluation of graded density Al-Si10-Mg lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering: A 670, 264-274. Peng, C., Tran, P., Nguyen-Xuan, H., Ferreira, A.J.M., 2020. Mechanical performance and fatigue life prediction of lattice structures: Parametric computational approach. Composite Structures 235, 111821. Yu, T., Hyer, H., Sohn, Y., Bai, Y., Wu, D., 2019. Structure-property relationship in high strength and lightweight AlSi10Mg microlattices fabricated by selective laser melting. Materials & Design 182, 108062.

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