PSI - Issue 28
Paolo S. Valvo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 2350–2369 / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000 P.S. Valvo
Fig. 4: Flexibility coe ffi cients: (a) unit force loads in the x -direction; (b) unit force loads in the z -direction.
3.3. Matrix notation
It is useful to introduce a more compact matrix notation. We define the crack-tip force vector,
F x F z
F =
the crack-tip relative displacement vector,
∆ u x ∆ u z
∆ u =
and the crack-tip flexibility matrix (symmetric and positive definite),
c xx c xz c zx c zz
C =
Equation (7) becomes simply
∆ u = C F .
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