PSI - Issue 28


Jamal A. Abdalla et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 2342–2349 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


Figure 5 (a) shows the test setup for the control beam and Fig. 5 (b)-(f) show the failure modes for all tested specimens. All specimens failed in shear. As shown in Figures 5 (b)-(f), the shear crack took place on the side without stirrups where there is no internal shear reinforcement for all specimens. For the control specimen, the diagonal crack was at roughly 45 o as shown in Fig. 5 (b). Figure 5 (c) shows the failure mode of S-EBR specimen where de-bonding of CFRP were clearly dominant and observed at the top parts of the CFRP. Figure 5 (d), (e) and (f) show the failure modes of specimens SBN, SBM and SBL, respectively. The crack passed under the CFRP sheet and the delayed de bonding was observed as delamination took place in several CFRP sheets before failure.







Fig. 5. Failure modes and test setup (a) mounted unstrengthen control beam (b) failure mode of control beam C0 (c) failure mode of S-EBR (d) failure mode of SBN; (e) failure mode of SBM; (f) failure mode of SBL 4. Conclusions This study explored the use of bore-epoxy as anchorage system for sheer strengthing of RC beams using CFRP sheets as EBR. It can be concluded from this study that:  Control beam failed in shear as expected with diagonal tension crack and load capacity of 113 kN which is close to the predicted value by ACI318-08 shear equation which is 109.8 KN within 2.9 % difference.  The S-EBR specimen showed an increase in the shear capacity along with an increase in the maximum deflection over the control beam with 41 % and 51%, respectively.

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