PSI - Issue 28

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Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 2404–2409

© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) ExCo © 2020 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) ExCo Abstract Prestressing steel wires are manufactured by cold drawing during which a preferential orientation is achieved in the matter of pearlitic colonies and lamellae. In addition to this general trend, special (unconventional) pearlitic pseudocolonies evolve during the heavy-drawing manufacture process affecting the posterior macro-, micro- and nano-structural integrity of the material. This paper discusses the important role of such a special microstructural unit ( the pearlitic pseudocolony ) in the fracture process in air (inert) environment in the presence of crack-like defects, as well as in the case of environmentally assisted cracking (stress corrosion cracking by localized anodic dissolution) or hydrogen e brittlement. Results clearly demonstrate the key role of pearlitic pseudocolonies in promoting crack deflection (and thus mixed-mode propagation) after a global mode I cracking, especially in the case of fracture in air and stress corrosion cracking. © 2020 The Authors. Published by ELSE IER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) ExCo 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture Unconventional pearlitic pseudocolonies affecting macro-, micro- and nano-structural integrity of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires: Resembling van Gogh, Bernini, Mantegna and Picasso Jesús Toribio* Fracture & Structural Integrity Research Group (FSIRG), University of Salamanca (USAL) E.P.S., Campus Viriato, Avda. Requejo 33, 49022 Zamora, Spain Abstract Prestressing steel wires are manufactured by cold drawing during which a preferential orientation is achieved in the matter of pearlitic colonies and lamellae. In addition to this general trend, special (unconventional) pearlitic pseudocolonies evolve during the heavy-drawing manufacture process affecting the posterior macro-, micro- and nano-structural integrity of the material. This paper discusses the important role of such a special microstructural unit ( the pearlitic pseudocolony ) in the fracture process in air (inert) environment in the presence of crack-like defects, as well as in the case of environmentally assisted cracking (stress corrosion cracking by localized anodic dissolution) or hydrogen embrittlement. Results clearly demonstrate the key role of pearlitic pseudocolonies in promoting crack deflection (and thus mixed-mode propagation) after a global mode I cracking, especially in the case of fracture in air and stress corrosion cracking. 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture Unconventional pearlitic pseudocolonies affecting macro-, micro- and nano-structural integrity of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires: Resembling van Gogh, Bernini, Mantegna and Picasso Jesús Toribio* Fracture & Structural Integrity Research Group (FSIRG), University of Salamanca (USAL) E.P.S., Campus Viriato, Avda. Requejo 33, 49022 Zamora, Spain

Keywords: cold drawing; microstructural orientation; curling of pearlite; pearlitic pseudocolonies; crack deflection. Keywords: cold drawing; microstructural orientation; curling of pearlite; pearlitic pseudocolonies; crack deflection.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-677566723; fax: +34-980545002. E-mail address: * Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-677566723; fax: +34-980545002. E-mail address:

2452-3216 © 2020 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) ExCo 2452-3216 © 2020 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) ExCo

2452-3216 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) ExCo 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.11.090

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