PSI - Issue 28

Sabrina Vantadori et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 28 (2020) 1055–1061 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



It can be noticed that the results obtained are quite satisfactory for the fatigue loadings being examined. More precisely: under tension loading, 82% of the results fall within the scatter band 2, whereas 100% of the results fall within the scatter band 3; under torsional loading, 60% of the results fall within the scatter band 2, whereas 90% of the results fall within the scatter band 3; under combined tension and torsional loading, 36% of the results fall within the scatter band 2, whereas 100% of the results fall within the scatter band 3. Therefore, for the loading conditions here examined, the criterion provides results characterised by a quite satisfactory accuracy. 5. Conclusions In the present paper, the lifetime of ductile cast iron smooth specimens under medium/high-cycle fatigue multiaxial loading has been evaluated. Such an evaluation is performed by using the multiaxial critical plane-based criterion proposed by Carpinteri et al.. Different loading conditions have been examined both uniaxial and multiaxial. The results obtained are quite satisfactory: as a matter of fact, in terms of fatigue life the results fall into the scatter band 3 in almost all cases, and the fracture planes have shown a good agreement with respect to the experimental crack paths, for each loading condition examined. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Research Grant PRIN 2017 No. 2017HFPKZY on “Modelling of constitutive laws for traditional and innovative building materials”. References ASM Handbook. Properties and Selection: Irons, Steels, and High-Performance Alloys, Ductile Irons, ASM International, 1990. Iacoviello, F., Di Cocco, V., Bellini, C., 2019. Overload effects on fatigue cracks in a ferritized ductile cast iron. International Journal of Fatigue 127, 376-381. Fernandino, D.O., Tenaglia, N., Boeri, R.E., Di Cocco, V., Bellini, C., Iacoviello, F., 2020. Microstructural damage evaluation of ferritic-ausferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 14, 477-485. Vicente, A.D.A., Sartori Moreno, J.R., Santos, T.F.D.A., Espinosa, D.C.R., Tenório, J.A.S., 2019. Nucleation and growth of graphite particles in ductile cast iron. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 775, 1230-1234. Di Cocco, V., Iacoviello, F., 2017. Ductile cast irons: Microstructure influence on the damaging micromechanisms in overloaded fatigue cracks. Engineering Failure Analysis, 82, 340-349. Carpinteri, A., Kurek, M., Łagoda, T., Vantadori, S., 2017. Estimation of fatigue life under multiaxial loading by varying the critical plane orientation. International Journal of Fatigue 100, 512-520. Vantadori, S., Carpinteri, A., Luciano, R., Ronchei, C., Scorza, D., Zanichelli, A., Okamoto, Y., Saito, S., Itoh, T., 2020. Crack initiation and life estimation for 316 and 430 stainless steel specimens by means of a critical plane approach. International Journal of Fatigue 138, 105677. Tovo, R., Lazzarin, P., Berto, F., Cova, M., Maggiolini, E., 2014. Experimental investigation of the multiaxial fatigue strength of ductile cast iron, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 73, 60-67. Araújo, J.A., Dantas, A.P., Castro, F.C., Mamiya, E.N., Ferreira, J.L.A., 2011. On the characterization of the critical plane with a simple and fast alternative measure of the shear stress amplitude in multiaxial fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue 33, 1092-1100.

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