PSI - Issue 26

Jesús Toribio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 26 (2020) 360–367 Toribio / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Fig. 10. Scheme showing the three types of spatial arrangement of pearlite lamellae: (a) inclined; (b) parallel to the wire axis; (c) perpendicular to the wire axis (with curling effect). The time evolution with axial cold drawing — left to right — is also shown. 6. Concluding remarks In the conceptual framework of micro- and nanostructural integrity of materials, the pearlitic pseudocolonies in heavily cold drawn pearlitic steels represent the weakest microfracture units promoting crack path deflection and anisotropic fracture behavior. 7. Epilogue Such a curved arrangement (Fig. 9) associated with heavily cold drawn pearlitic steels resembles the appearance of the sky in the painting of Vincent van Gogh, as suggested by Gil-Sevillano et al. (1998), so that it could be called van Gogh sky (VGS) or, more properly, van Gogh texture (VGT), and it is represented by the three van Gogh paintings of Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. Paintings by Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night, Noon Rest and The Church in Auvers.

On the other hand, in the case of slightly cold drawn pearlitic steels , their microstructure (Fig. 4) is quasi-planar and the metallographic sections are constituted by straight lines associated with Renaissance Perspective of the painter Rafaello Sanzio, i.e., Raphael Painting Perspective or Renaissance Painting Perspective (RPP), although this structure (with vanishing point) appears in classical painters such as Tintoretto and Velazquez, as shown in Fig. 12.

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