PSI - Issue 26

Jesús Toribio et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 26 (2020) 368–375 Toribio / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Fig. 12. Andrea Mantegna: Dead Christ .

10. Closing remarks In hot rolled and slightly cold drawn pearlitic steels with microstructural isotropy ( non-oriented pearlitic colonies and lamellae) the hydrogen-assisted micro-damage (HAMD) develops by tearing topography surface (TTS), with a micromechanism of hydrogen-enhanced localized plasticity (HELP) and resembling Michelangelo Stone Sculpture Texture (MSST). In heavily cold drawn pearlitic steels with clear microstructural anisotropy (markedly oriented pearlitic colonies and lamellae) the hydrogen-assisted micro-damage (HAMD) develops by enlarged and oriented TTS (EOTTS), with a micromechanism of hydrogen-enhanced delamination (HEDE) and resembling Donatello Wooden Sculpture Texture (DWST). With regard to hydrogen-assisted cracking paths (HACP) as a consequence of the microstructural features and arrangement, it develops in mode I in the case of hot rolled or slightly drawn pearlitic steels, while in heavily cold drawn pearlitic steels it develops in mixed mode (an evidence of microstructural and strength anisotropy) with a 90º deflected (or deviated) crack resembling Mantegna’s Dead Christ Perspective (MDCP). References Costa, J.E., Thompson, A.W., 1982. Hydrogen Cracking in Nominally Pearlitic 1045 Steel. Metallurgical Transactions 13A, 1315 - 1318. Thompson, A.W., Chesnutt, J.C., 1979. Identification of a fracture mode: The tearing topography surface. Metallurgical Transactions 10A, 1193 1196. Toribio, J., Ovejero, E., 1997. Microstructure Evolution in a Pearlitic Steel Subjected to Progressive Plastic Deformation. Materials Science and Engineering A234 - 236, 579 - 582. Toribio, J., Ovejero, E., 1998a. Effect of Cumulative Cold Drawing on the Pearlite Interlamellar Spacing in Eutectoid Steel. Scripta Materialia 39, 323 - 328. Toribio, J., Ovejero, E., 1998b. Microstructure Orientation in a Pearlitic Steel Subjected to Progressive Plastic Deformation. Journal of Materials Science Letters 17, 1037 - 1040. Toribio, J., Ovejero, E., 1998c. Effect of Cold Drawing on Microstructure and Corrosion Performance of High - Strength Steel. Mechanics of Time - Dependent Materials 1, 307 - 319.

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