PSI - Issue 25

Zuzana Marcalikova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 25 (2020) 27–32 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Fig. 5. 3D Computer model with crack - fibres Dramix® OL 13/20 - displacements [m].

Fig. 6. LD diagram for Dramix® 3D 65/60 BG.

Fig. 7. LD diagram for Dramix® OL 13/20.

In this case, the material model for concrete includes the basic mechanical properties of composite/concrete without used fibers. The influence of reinforcement is included as smeared reinforcement model, where the calculation parameters of fibers. For the modeled case it was concrete with input parameters: compressive strength – cubic f c,cube = 24.09 MPa, compressive strength – cylindrical f c,cyl = 20.92 MPa, modules of elasticity E = 18.50 GPa, basic tensile strength f ct = 1.5 MPa. For fibers was input parameters: yield strength f y = 1000 MPa, tensile strength f u = 1050 MPa ( u = 0,04), residual strength f r = 100 MPa ( r = 0,45) in Fig. 4 (b).

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