PSI - Issue 25
A.Yu. Smolin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 25 (2020) 477–485 A.Yu. Smolin et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
483 7
Fig. 4. Loading curve of the simulated specimen.
According to the assumptions made, the first damages in the coating occur in the middle of the lower part of the specimen where the maximum shear stress coincides with tensile stress (Fig. 5,a). As the load increases, the coating delamination starting from the first cracks at the bottom of the specimen takes place. Moreover, periodically located cracks appear in the coating on the lateral faces of the specimen and propagate to its upper side (Fig. 5,b). In turn, in the upper part of the specimen, where the mean stress is compressive, the coating delaminates only on the lateral faces (Fig. 5,c).
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