PSI - Issue 25
Angelika Wronkowicz-Katunin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 25 (2020) 13–18 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
the test, before opening of the initial crack. In order to overcome the decohesion of hinges during tests it is recommended to use similar adhesive as the adhered material (the polymer of the composite’s matrix), an d, if possible, excess the adhesive over the holes of hinges tabs. • Registration of the results during the fracture toughness tests – in order to fulfil the requirements of the procedures of testing according to (Standard, 2013) the accuracy of monitoring of the delamination propagation can be significantly improved by using two cameras on both sides of the specimen, which are synchronized with each other as well as with the testing machine. The recordings should be carefully analyzed frame by frame in order to determine the delamination propagation lengths. This allows for a more precise determination of the delamination length and its connection with the loading force, which sufficiently minimizes measurement errors during the determination of load-displacement curves necessary for the calculation of the critical energy release rate.
The results presented in this paper were obtained within the framework of research grant No. 2017/25/N/ST8/01009 financed by the National Science Centre, Poland.
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