PSI - Issue 25
Corrado Groth et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 25 (2020) 136–148 C. Groth et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
Fig. 1: Left: geometry nomenclature; right: circular notched bar.
growth, that have to be imposed to the nodes of crack front, by means of mesh morphing. In particular the local increment ∆ a i of the i − th node, is calculated using a Euler integration algorithm (Paris and Erdogan (1963)) based on the Paris-Erdogan law (Equation 8).
C ∆ K
da dN =
In which C and m are material properties. Making use of the e ff ective Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs), extracted from the j − th Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and defining a starting value for ∆ a max , it is possible to evaluate the growth increment of each node of the front normalized with respect to ∆ K ( j ) max :
( j ) i ( j ) max
∆ K
( j ) i
( j ) max
∆ a
∆ a
∆ K
In addition, the maximum crack growth increment ∆ a ( j )
max , with the corresponding maximum SIFs ∆ K ( j )
max are intro
duced in the following formula for the evaluation of the loading cycles:
( j ) max
∆ a
∆ N j =
( j ) max
C ∆ K
3. Applications
3.1. 2 DoF notched bar
Proposed workflow is first implemented, as shown by Biancolini et al. (2018), in Ansys R Workbench TM for a simple circular notched bar, employing the same geometry explored by Carpinteri et al. (2003) in their work.
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