PSI - Issue 24

Riccardo Masoni et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 24 (2019) 40–52 Masoni et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



node. To break the symmetry of the obtained results, without affecting the residual velocity or significantly altering the damage morphology, each node of the plate was translated randomly in each direction by a fraction of the lattice size. The displacement distance was calculated randomly in the range of ±5% of the grid size.

Table 4. Discretization and material data for the PD model Discretization Target

Projectile 1.201 mm

 Horizon

2.017 mm

Grid spacing


0.4 mm







Material data (Datasheet - Armor grade ceramics for superior armor system, 99.5 Alumina Cerashield CAP 3) K Bulk modulus

220 152

Shear modulus Elastic modulus

314 GPa

Poisson ratio




3900 kg/m 3 4.5 MPa m 0.5

17600 kg/m 3

Fracture toughness

G 0 Crit. energy rel. rate

53.5 J/m 2

S 0 critical stretch


Like in the FE-SPH model, the only boundary condition is the projectile nodes initial velocity, set to 903.7 m/s. Also, in this case different boundary conditions (e.g. clamped edges) were tested to ensure no significant influence on the cracks pattern. Note that in the PD model no symmetry can be used and therefore the whole geometry must be modelled. The Linear PD Solid material models was used for the two bodies: it requires only two elastic constants to define the material linear elastic behaviour. The critical stretch failure law was used as bond damage law. The critical stretch S 0 , that is the limit deformation at which the bond is considered broken, stopping the interactions between the two points connected, was calculated as � � � �� � ��� (4) Where � is the critical energy release rate, K the bulk modulus and the horizon value. The critical energy release rate was calculated from the fracture toughness of the material obtained considering a condition of plane stress. The setting of the contact parameters is not straightforward and was therefore defined by means of trial and error approach the selected parameters, reported in Table 5, represent a trade-off between the computational time required, the obtained damage morphology and the residual velocity of the projectile. The comparison of the experimental and numerical results showed that in general the damage morphology was well reproduced, Table 6, although the number of radial cracks was lower than experimental, Table 1, and not all of them reached the edge of the plate. A scalar damage value, D, was calculated for each material point, relating the number of broken bonds and the number of original intact bonds. Considering the damage value of 0.0 for a point with all its bonds intact and 1.0 when they are all broken, some considerations can be done. When the damage is 1.0 it means that the material point is "free" from bonds and the only forces acting on it are body and contact forces. A material point on a crack surface has a damage value not greater than 0.5, because all the bonds on one side are broken. In Fig 4, particles with D > 0.9 were hidden and the irregularities in the shape of the hole border clearly match the experimental crater.

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