PSI - Issue 23

Jaroslav Čapek et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 23 (2019) 3 –8 Jaroslav Čapek et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



morphology and size of the Ca/SrZn 13 phases. This difference had an effect on mechanical properties as well. The fine, submicron, SrZn 13 particles hardened the eutectics and increased the hardness of the material in a higher extent. Annealing of both alloys led to an increase in microhardness and CYS. After annealing, the hardness of both alloys was the same because of the transformation of the eutectics into a “massive” Mg 2 Zn 11 phase. In contrast to that, higher CYS was observed in the case of the annealed Ca-containing alloy, which may be ascribed to the differences in the Ca/SrZn 13 particle sizes. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Czech Science Foundation (project no. 18-06110S) and to the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education financed by European Structural and Investment Funds and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Project No. SOLID21 - CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000760) for supporting this research. Niu, J., Tang, Z., Huang, H., Pei, J., Zhang, H., Yuan, G. and Ding, W., 2016, Research on a Zn-Cu alloy as a biodegradable material for potential vascular stents application, Materials Science and Engineering: C 69, 407-413. Bowen, P. K., Drelich, J. and Goldman, J., 2013, Zinc Exhibits Ideal Physiological Corrosion Behavior for Bioabsorbable Stents, Advanced Materials 25, 2577-2582. Mostaed, E., Sikora-Jasinska, M., Mostaed, A., Loffredo, S., Demir, A. G., Previtali, B., Mantovani, D., Beanland, R. and Vedani, M., 2016, Novel Zn-based alloys for biodegradable stent applications: Design, development and in vitro degradation, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 60, 581-602. Murni, N. S., Dambatta, M. S., Yeap, S. K., Froemming, G. R. A. and Hermawan, H., 2015, Cytotoxicity evaluation of biodegradable Zn – 3Mg alloy toward normal human osteoblast cells, Materials Science and Engineering: C 49, 560-566. Li, H. F., Xie, X. H., Zheng, Y. F., Cong, Y., Zhou, F. Y., Qiu, K. J., Wang, X., Chen, S. H., Huang, L., Tian, L. and Qin, L., 2015, Development of biodegradable Zn-1X binary alloys with nutrient alloying elements Mg, Ca and Sr, Scientific Reports 5, 13 pages. Liu, X. W., Sun, J. K., Qiu, K. J., Yang, Y. H., Pu, Z. J., Li, L. and Zheng, Y. F., 2016, Effects of alloying elements (Ca and Sr) on microstructure, mechanical property and in vitro corrosion behavior of biodegradable Zn-1.5Mg alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 664, 444-452. Vojtěch, D., Kubásek, J., Šerák, J. and Novák, P., 2011, Mechanical and corr osion properties of newly developed biodegradable Zn-based alloys for bone fixation, Acta Biomaterialia 7, 3515-3522. Li, H., Yang, H., Zheng, Y., Zhou, F., Qiu, K. and Wang, X., 2015b, Design and characterizations of novel biodegradable ternary Zn-based alloys with IIA nutrient alloying elements Mg, Ca and Sr, Materials & Design 83, 95-102. Kubásek, J., Vojtěch, D., Jablonská, E., Pospíšilová, I., Lipov, J. and Ruml, T., 2016, Structure, mechanical characteristics and in vitro degradation, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity of novel biodegradable Zn – Mg alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: C 58, 24-35. Liu, H. Y. and Jones, H., 1992, Solidification microstructure selection and characteristics in the zinc-based Zn system, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 40, 229-239. Akdeniz, M. V. and Wood, J. V., 1996, Microstructures and phase selection in rapidly solidified Zn-Mg alloys, Journal of Materials Science 31, 545-550. References

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