PSI - Issue 23

M.A. Artamonov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 23 (2019) 251–256 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Fig. 1. Secondary electron SEM images of sample No. 1. (a) – Zone 1. (b) - The enlarged image highlighted by the blue rectangle in (a).

Fig. 2. SEM images of the origin of the fracture area of sample No. 2: (a) – a low magnification backscattered electrons image; (b) - enlarged secondary electrons image of the origin of the fracture area. The fracture area, which corresponds to the crack area developed in vacuum condition, is denoted as “ 1 ” , and with the access of the air, denoted as “ 2 (quasi-faceted fracture). The dotted line shows the boundary between the areas “1” and “2”.

Fig. 3. HAADF STEM images of the cross-section of sample No 1: (a) – low magnification TEM image, the arrows indicate the layer containing oxides and carbides; (b) - enlarged image of the oxide layer. The rectangle highlights the area, where EDX microanalysis was performed.

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