PSI - Issue 22
Jerzy STANIK et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 22 (2019) 322–333 "Author name" / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
Introduction The risk of engineering infrastructure ( IT ) is one of the most important criteria for its functionality, efficiency and usefulness in the area of extensive practical applications. Praxeological systems distinguished within IT are systems that carry out the specific mission for which they were established. Analyzing the different approaches to estimate the level of IT risk and dealing with it, the question arises whether it is possible to create a multi-faceted (system-specific) IT risk model, taking into account different categories of risk factors and applying them in a way that allows the full and unambiguous determination of risk levels in relation to the basic IT utility characteristics, while maintaining the practical application of the proposed model. Systemic IT risk model is understood as the order of the below three aspects: = < , , > where: - IT system being the object of hazards, - closer and further environment that constitutes objects that are the source of hazards ⊂ × - a set of hazard relations. On the set ℝ the hazard relations are defined = ( , ): ⋀ ⟺ ( ) ≥ ( ) , that is the object s ∈ is threatened by o ∈ This article is an attempt to answer such a question, presenting systemic risk model, description of its determination/estimation and evaluation in relation to the entirety of IT as well as its selected/basic systems. The model presented in this article may be a starting point for development of a method or methodology of risk management in engineering infrastructures, which in turn may form the basis for developing appropriate policies or management plans, e.g.: quality, reliability, security, business continuity, etc. Concept and attributes of engineering infrastructure The concept of engineering infrastructure ( IT ) is a universal paradigm of almost every discipline or scientific field, and is the subject of research and theoretical analysis as well as the object of design and construction works in the sphere of practical human activity. The most general definition of IT under this concept defines a set of deliberately isolated elements or organizational and functional systems that perform certain tasks (Radziejewski 2013). Such isolated elements (components, systems) remain in specific relations and systemic relationships with each other, which enables them to perform a common mission for which a given engineering infrastructure has been established. For the purposes of this article, the engineering infrastructure model has been defined as follows: = < Ε , ⊆ Ε × > → (1) where: IT – engineering infrastructure, Ε – set of engineering infrastructure elements, – set of system relations, – usefulness of engineering infrastructure. Technical infrastructures must have specific features or functional properties that determine, among others, such attributes as: functionality (F), quality (J), reliability (N), security (B), innovation (I), complexity (S) and business continuity (C), under specific environmental and functional conditions. We assume that usefulness, as the superior feature of engineering infrastructure, is a complex function of individual praxeological arguments or features: = ( ; = 1,2, … ) (2) where: – the i-th praxeological argument/feature of usefulness of the engineering infrastructure, – number of emphasized praxeological features of the engineering infrastructure 1.
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