PSI - Issue 22
Carlos D.S. Souto et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 22 (2019) 376–385
Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
(a) User input data tab.
(b) Rainflow counting algorithm tab.
(c) Fatigue damage calculation tab.
Fig. 4: FDT’s user interface.
Input various parameters ( Δσ C , Δτ C , m 1 , m 2 , γ Mf , γ Ff , n Reps )
Obtain the stress-time history (real data)
FDT > Tools > Convert to Peaks and Valleys
Input the stress-time history (peaks and valleys only)
Execute the rainflow-counting algorithm (ASTM E1049-85)
Calculate the fatigue damage, D (Palmgren-Miner rule)
Input the design fatigue factor, D FF , and check if D ≤ μ = 1/D FF
Generate a PDF report (FDT > File > Report)
Fig. 5: Basic usage of FDT.
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