PSI - Issue 20
Mikhail Kelner et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 20 (2019) 119–123 Mikhail Kelner et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
Fig. 4 shows that increasing of the tensile strength of electric detonator shell material results in increasing of efficiency of the lead cylinder destruction by explosion products. We shall note that the discussed shell materials are detonated during explosion, with “rattling” loading rates; thus, the use of static characteristics for the assessment of their destruction is hardly practicable. However, obtaining of dynamic characteristics of shell material involves complicated and expensive measurings; at early work stages, static material characteristics can be used for the comparative assessment of specimens, which will be used at further work stages. 4. Conclusions Thus, the experimental studies performed in this work allow us to conclude that for pulsating explosive devices, structural materials with a tensile strength of less than 520 MPa are more appropriate to use for a high-explosive action devices, equipped with reusable reflectors, for example, for solid-propellant detonation rocket engines. Materials with a tensile strength of more than 520 MPa it is better to use for shattering action devices, equipped with disposable reflectors and magazines, for example for explosive device. The work describes static loading conditions; we plan to provide results of experiments involving dynamic (detonation) loading in later works. The static characteristics of materials used for shell manufacturing are of great importance, since materials having lowest strength and crack resistance characteristics shall be excluded at the initial stage. Besides, these results are important by themselves, both for scientific and practical purposes. It is planned to continue studies of the strength and other physical and mechanical characteristics of materials for manufacturing of the shells, reflectors or magazines for concentrated explosive charges. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank colleagues for important advices and assistance in preparing this article. References Artsruni, A.A., Zagelow, A.A., 2019. Uproshchennaya metodika dinamicheskih ispytanij na podryv materialov i skhem zashchity nazemnyh transportnyh sredstv [A simplified technique of dynamic tests of the corrosion of materials and protection schemes for ground vehicles] (electronic resource) Available at: 1148.pdf (accessed 15 July 2019), 44-52. (In Russian) Belchenko, E.L., Soloviev, V.O., Shvedov, I.M., 2014. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya perenosnyh vzryvoreaktivnyh kompleksov v razrabotke zolotorudnyh mestorozhdenij Dal'nevostochnogo regiona [Prospects for the use of portable explosive complexes in the development of gold deposits in the Far East] Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten' (nauchno-tekhnicheskij zhurnal) [ Mining information and analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal)] 10, 214-219. (In Russian) Nikiforovski V. S., Shemyakin E. I., 1979. Dinamicheskoe razrushenie tverdyh tel [Dynamic fracture of solids], pp. 271. (In Russian) Pushkov V. A., Tsybikov A. N., Yurlov A.V., Acinic A. A., Naydanova T. G., 2019. Rezul'taty issledovanij diagramm rastyazheniya medi M1, alyuminievyh splavov AMG-6 i AMc po metodu sostavnogo sterzhnya Gopkinsona s primeneniem galtel'nyh obrazcov [The results of the research chart stretching of copper M1, aluminium alloys AMG6 and AMC according to the method of a composite rod of Hopkinson with the use of burnished samples] (electronic resource) Available at: (accessed 15 July 2019), 280-294. (In Russian) Solov'ev V. O., Kelner M. S., 2015. Protection of steel reflectors against the destructive effect of detonation products used in solid-propellant pulsating explosive devices Journal of machinery manufacture and reliability 1, 102-7.
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