PSI - Issue 20
Kuzmin S.A. et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 20 (2019) 278–283 Kuzmin S.A. et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
It was revealed that addition of the modifying additive “Silor-Ultra T” (consumption 3) also promotes increase in strength indicators of samples almost twice.
Fig. 4. Structure of wood concrete with the spill processed: a - limy milk (the 2nd consumption) and b – “Silor-Ultra T” (the 3rd consumption) (increase 6.5).
Fig. 5. The surface of the spill from wood concrete processed: a- limy milk and b – “Silor-Ultra T’ (increase 50 ).
Increase in strength indicators can be explained, having considered structure of the received arbolite. When using the chip processed by limy milk, the structure of concrete turns out more friable in comparison with structure of arbolite with chip processed by impregnation of “Silor-Ultra T” (Fig. 4). In the photo at increase by 6.5 times of Fig. 4 (a) it is visible that chip is in worse contact with a cement rock in comparison with structure on a photo of Fig. 4 (b). At increase by 50 times (Fig. 5) it is obviously visible that the chip processed by limy milk (Fig. 5a) adsorbs on the surface only the smallest fractions of sand, and the chip processed by impregnation of “Silor-Ultra T” (Fig. 5b) – as well large grains of sand. It promotes hardening of coupling of the whole system (cement and sand solution: chip) and to increase in strength indicators of samples from arbolite.
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