PSI - Issue 2_B

Dmitry Bilalov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 2 (2016) 1951–1958 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000



1. Experimental investigation AlMg6 samples were studied using the ballistic installation (Fig. 1). A gas gun was used for a shot at the target.

Fig. 1. Schema of a ballistic installation. The numbers stand for: 1 - high-pressure chamber, 2 - barrel 3 - photosensors, 4 - pan, 5 - projectile, 6 - cutter, 7 - frame, 8 - target fixation 9 – target (specimen) 10 - reception chamber 11 - catcher.

The AlMg6 alloy was chosen as the material, which revealed the strain localization under dynamic loading (Fig. 2). The real-time rear surface temperature was measured by high speed infrared camera CEDIP Silver 450M. Main specifications of camera are: sensitivity not less than 25 mK at 300 °K, the spectral range is 3-5 mm, maximum frame size is 320x240 pixels. The consistent result of “in-situ” experiment is the elevated temperature of strain localization area that doesn’t exceed 72°C.

Fig. 2. Target (specimen) and projectile after test.

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